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vol.46 issue183Activities, Evaluation and Proposals for Improvement in The Initial Training of Teachers in Pre-School, Elementary, and Junior High School Education in Relation to Their Oral Language CompetencePeople and Shared Assets. Conceptualization of heritage from stories in digital environments author indexsubject indexsearch form
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Perfiles educativos

Print version ISSN 0185-2698


COCIO, Andrea; ERRAZURIZ, María Constanza; DAVISON, Omar  and  FUENTES, Liliana. What Do Knowledge and Identity Funds Contribute to The Interest in Initial Teacher Training?. Perfiles educativos [online]. 2024, vol.46, n.183, pp.109-127.  Epub Oct 07, 2024. ISSN 0185-2698.

Training teachers committed to quality education is one of the current challenges of initial teacher training; in this regard, the measures and reforms implemented require considering the identity building of teachers in training, to converge in a profound and integral educational change. The objective of the research was to identify and characterize the knowledge and identity of the students of Basic General Pedagogy in their admission to two universities of La Araucanía, Chile. Regarding methodology, the study corresponds to a descriptive and qualitative research. The participants were 34 students, whose autobiographical narratives were subjected to content analysis through the construction of codes and categories of the corpus. It was identified that, from the knowledge and identity funds it is possible to configure the identity of the future teacher of the 21st century, and the importance of considering them in the processes of academic formation is affirmed.

Keywords : Higher education; initial teacher training; identity; professional identity; knowledge and identity funds.

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