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vol.46 issue183The Institutional Dimension of Resilience in Chilean Beginning Teachers During the PandemicWhat Do Knowledge and Identity Funds Contribute to The Interest in Initial Teacher Training? author indexsubject indexsearch form
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Perfiles educativos

Print version ISSN 0185-2698


GRACIA, Marta; ESPINO DATSIRA, Sandra; ALCALDE SICILIA, Judit  and  MERINO RUBIO, Iris. Activities, Evaluation and Proposals for Improvement in The Initial Training of Teachers in Pre-School, Elementary, and Junior High School Education in Relation to Their Oral Language Competence. Perfiles educativos [online]. 2024, vol.46, n.183, pp.94-108.  Epub Sep 27, 2024. ISSN 0185-2698.

A large number of university teachers recognize that oral language competence (OLC) is not sufficiently included in the teaching plans and feel they are not competent to accompany their students in this area. The objectives of this study are: to explore the activities that university teachers of initial teacher education propose to their students related to the OLC; to know how they evaluate this competence; to explore the perception about the OLC of the student; and know the proposals of teachers to improve the OLC of future teachers. Seventeen university professors from four Spanish universities were interviewed. The results indicate that few activities are carried out to contribute to the development of students' OLC, that the latter has few linguistic resources and that teachers agree on the need to participate in training processes in order to contribute more effectively to the development of this competence.

Keywords : Teacher development; professional skills; early childhood education; basic education; higher education; oral language.

        · abstract in Spanish     · text in Spanish     · Spanish ( pdf )