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vol.46 issue183The Participation of Families as Sustenance of Mexican Rural High SchoolComparative Social Mapping of Emerging Socio-Educational Narratives of UNESCO, World Bank, and OECD in Pandemic Context author indexsubject indexsearch form
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Perfiles educativos

Print version ISSN 0185-2698


COITINHO, Virginia  and  GONZALEZ VAILLANT, Gabriela. Digital Literacy of Secondary School Teachers in Uruguay. A look from the pandemic. Perfiles educativos [online]. 2024, vol.46, n.183, pp.39-56.  Epub Oct 07, 2024. ISSN 0185-2698.

This paper is part of a research project that investigated the digital literacy levels of public high school teachers in Uruguay in times of pre-pandemic and pandemic, from the perspective of teacher professional development. The study seeks to understand the myriad of factors that act as a brake and impulse for the development of powerful virtual teaching processes. These questions are explored from data from the teaching censuses conducted in 2007 and 2018, a survey conducted during the first year of the pandemic in Uruguay, as well as from a systematic review of the ordinances and communications of the educational authorities of the period. The findings reinforce the importance of considering the professional trajectories of teachers, the teaching context and the gap between access to technology on the one hand, and its pedagogical use on the other.

Keywords : Digital skills; pandemic; digital literacy policies; careers; virtual learning.

        · abstract in Spanish     · text in Spanish     · Spanish ( pdf )