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Perfiles educativos

Print version ISSN 0185-2698


CABRERA POMMIEZ, Marcela  and  CARUMAN JORQUERA, Sergio. Relationship between text and reader understanding in a standardized Chilean test. Perfiles educativos [online]. 2018, vol.40, n.161, pp.107-127. ISSN 0185-2698.

This paper presents the results of a research project into eight applications of the Chilean University Selection Test (PSU by its initials in Spanish) - Language component (2005-2012), taking into account the texts used in the reading comprehension portion and the statistical results of the corresponding items. The objectives of the research were: to document the literary and non-literary tests used as a stimulus for comprehension and their classification, according to the Language and Communication curriculum; and to determine what kind of texts were shown to have high or low levels of difficulty, and a high level of omission. The texts were classified by amount and distribution; the indicators of difficulty and omission were analyzed and correlated with textual classification. The results show that there is an appropriate distribution of various types of texts. Essays and drama were found to be the most difficult to resolve; the easiest were dialogues and narratives. The conclusions show that there are reading differences among Chilean students in terms of types of texts.

Keywords : Reading comprehension; text evaluation; evaluative research; linguistics; admission tests.

        · abstract in Spanish     · text in Spanish     · Spanish ( pdf )