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Perfiles educativos

Print version ISSN 0185-2698


BARROSO TRISTAN, Jose María  and  GONZALEZ-MONTEAGUDO, José. University student's perspectives on authority, ethics and teaching idiology in Brazil. Perfiles educativos [online]. 2018, vol.40, n.161, pp.69-86. ISSN 0185-2698.

This article was produced through a research project carried out at a Brazilian university, into students’ perspectives on authority, power and ethics among faculty members, and their influence on learning-teaching processes. Teaching ethics is positioned as a regulator of authority and power. We analyze professors’ pedagogical action, particularly with regard to imposition of their ideology on students, and its consequences for the learning experience. The methodology was based on discussion groups involving 18 students. The students perceive that teachers frequently impose their ideology through evaluation and strategies to avoid different opinions, or the concession of privileges to those who share the professor’s ideology. We conclude the ideological imposition by faculty members is grounded in an unethical authority that thwarts students’ autonomy and harms learning processes.

Keywords : Ethics; teaching ideology; authority; University students; teaching practice; autonomy.

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