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Perfiles educativos

Print version ISSN 0185-2698


LOPEZ ARIAS, Katherine; ORTIZ CACERES, Iván  and  FERNANDEZ LOBOS, Gloria. Articulating educational itineraries in higher technical education. A case study of a Chilean university. Perfiles educativos [online]. 2018, vol.40, n.160, pp.174-190. ISSN 0185-2698.

In many countries, higher technical education is seen as a key component for financial growth and for combatting problems of employability and unemployment among young people and women in at-risk sectors. But many obstacles stand in the way of developing professional options for the vulnerable population through higher technical education: one is the difficulty of articulating expeditious educational itineraries, in addition to problems of access. The article describes an innovative approach of articulating educational itineraries, promoted by a governmental organization. In this initiative, 900 low-income women and young people completed a technical training course and continued their higher technical education study programs at a Chilean university. The experience is analyzed from a dual (curricular and value-based) perspective, on social inclusion and articulation.

Keywords : Technical education; Higher education; Study program recognition; Inclusive education; Education and employment; University admission.

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