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Perfiles educativos

Print version ISSN 0185-2698


VILLALTA PAUCAR, Marco Antonio; ASSAEL BUDNIK, Cecilia  and  BAEZA REYES, Andrea. Learning mediation and conversation in classrooms within various sociocultural contexts. Perfiles educativos [online]. 2018, vol.40, n.160, pp.101-119. ISSN 0185-2698.

This text analyzes the structure of classroom dialogue in various sociocultural contexts. The methodology was to observe real-life classes being given by primary school teachers at urban and rural schools in Chile. This study involved a conversation analysis (CA) and examining mediated learning experience (MLE) criteria. Nonparametric statistics were used. The results revealed that: a) time management depends on the direct context of the classroom; b) a significant association exists between MLE criteria and conversation according to the context: urban classrooms tend to have expository, regulative and cooperative conversations, with MLE-related intentionality and reciprocity, transcendence, planning, regulation and self-control, and challenge; rural classrooms, on the other hand, are characterized by MLE-related co-created, explanatory and collaborative conversations, meaning, transcendence and individuation. These conversational patterns make it possible to stimulate autonomous learning based on each school’s reality.

Keywords : Learning; Pedagogical mediation; Diversity; Sociocultural context; Basic education.

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