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Perfiles educativos

versão impressa ISSN 0185-2698


GARCIA JURADO VELARDE, Raquel G.. A proposal for teaching reading comprehension in English. Perfiles educativos [online]. 2009, vol.31, n.123, pp.60-78. ISSN 0185-2698.

The universities in Mexico use to demand a certification of reading comprehension in a foreign language as a requirement for graduating and for entering postgraduate studies. However, the failure levels to get the certification are surprisingly high. This has lead to look for the means to make it possible for students to acquire the strategies and linguistic structure that are necessary for those tests. Starting from a cognitive task analysis an instructional strategy has been developed focused on teaching reading comprehension that made possible to achieve the implementation of expert readers and to shape this performance in a way that could help the students to increase their reading comprehension skills in English.

Palavras-chave : Reading comprehension in English; Cognitive task analysis; Reading strategies; Expert performance models; Requirement examinations; Instructional design.

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