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vol.30 número119Creencias de las educadoras acerca de la evaluación de sus alumnos preescolares: un estudio de casoLa concepción de la enseñanza según los estudiantes del último año de la licenciatura en Educación Primaria en México índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Perfiles educativos

versión impresa ISSN 0185-2698


SANCHEZ VAZQUEZ, María Alejandra; NISHIKAWA ACEVES, Antonieta Kiyoko; CORDERO ARROYO, Graciela  y  BOCANEGRA GASTELUM, Norma. The invisible collegiality in primary education. Perfiles educativos [online]. 2008, vol.30, n.119, pp.55-71. ISSN 0185-2698.

ABSTRACT: This article is about the problems raised by the recently approved policy in primary education about teacher training in school groups. The point is that promoting this new policy involved a partial change of the learning paradigm, from an individual paradigm to another based on collective and social or situated learning. The discussion refers to the revision of the theoretical foundations of situated learning, to the concept of practice communities and tangentially to invisible colleges. The author argues that the biased understanding of the school reality and a deceitful theoretical interpretation of situated learning is able to affect the implementation of the new training policy. As a conclusion, the author asserts that it would be appropriate to acknowledge in the official discourse that the seed of collegiality is present in every school community and that this should be taken into account in order to strengthen collegiality in every school group.

Palabras llave : Collegiality; Practice communities; School groups; Group training; Teacher training.

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