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 issue38Masonería, papeles públicos y cultura política en el primer México independiente, 1821-1828La imposible negación: la relación entre poderes en Durango en los años de la posguerra author indexsubject indexsearch form
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Estudios de historia moderna y contemporánea de México

Print version ISSN 0185-2620


LORENZO, María Dolores. Negociaciones para la modernización urbana: la demolición del mercado del Parián en la Ciudad de México, 1843. Estud. hist. mod. contemp. Mex [online]. 2009, n.38, pp.85-109. ISSN 0185-2620.

Indemnity as a device of urban modernization involves the negotiation of several social actors. This article studies the polemic created by the demolition of the Parián Market in Mexico City in 1843. It shows how central government, the town hall and tradesmen (both Mexican and Spanish) represented various interests that marked the limits of an apparent consensus in favor of remodeling the Great Square.

Keywords : urban modernization; Parián market; indemnity; compensation; tradesmen.

        · abstract in Spanish     · text in Spanish     · Spanish ( pdf )


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