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Estudios de historia moderna y contemporánea de México

versión impresa ISSN 0185-2620


HERRERA LEON, Fabián. México y el Instituto Internacional de Cinematografía Educativa, 1927-1937. Estud. hist. mod. contemp. Mex [online]. 2008, n.36, pp.221-259. ISSN 0185-2620.

The establishment of the International Institute of Educational Cinematography of Rome (IICE) in 1927 enabled Mexico to take up cinema as an educational tool. The article studies this possibility, derived from Mexico's relationship with the Institute of Rome, the architect of an unprecedented international cooperation project. Mexico, however, collaborated with the IICE on an extremely irregular basis, despite the potential benefits of the Italian cinematographic project.

Palabras llave : International Institute of Educative Cinematography of Rome; International Institute of Intellectual Cooperation of Paris, Society of Nations; Mexican Commission on Intellectual Cooperation; history of cinema in Mexico; educational cinema in Mexico; history of Mexican foreign policy in the 20th century.

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