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 número36Las fiestas para el libertador y monarca de México Agustín de Iturbide, 1821-1823Sociedades de artesanos y poder público. Ciudad de México, segunda mitad del siglo XIX índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Estudios de historia moderna y contemporánea de México

versión impresa ISSN 0185-2620


PALOMO GONZALEZ, Gerardo. La inestabilidad político-militar durante la primera república central, 1835-1839. La lógica del pronunciamiento en la figura del general José Urrea. Estud. hist. mod. contemp. Mex [online]. 2008, n.36, pp.85-126. ISSN 0185-2620.

This article analyzes a short period in the political history of independent Mexico (1835-1839) characterized by a radical change in the form of government, which shifted from a federal republic to a centralist regime and the wave of military revolts in favor of the federal republic which this immediately elicited. This was a historical moment characterized by political crisis, an analysis of which shows that one of the main reasons behind the fact that military revolts were common practice at the time was the lack of political legitimacy of both the form of government and government administration itself.

Palabras llave : political instability; military revolt; Constitution of 1824; supreme conservative power; form of government; federalism; political legitimacy; factionalism; centralists.

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