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Estudios de historia moderna y contemporánea de México

Print version ISSN 0185-2620


NIETO CAMACHO, Ana Lilia. Consular Practice in the 19th Century through the Consulate in Veracruz, 1822-1845. Estud. hist. mod. contemp. Mex [online]. 2006, n.31, pp.5-30. ISSN 0185-2620.

This article explores the consular practice of Veracruz during the first half of the 19th century. Through an analysis of the correspondence between the United States consuls and the Department of State, the article provides an introduction to the official and extra-official activities of the consuls in the port of Veracruz and highlights the importance of these government officials in relations between Mexico and the United States during this period.

Keywords : Mexico; United States; consular service; trade relations; William Taylor; Isaac Stone; James James; Marmaduke Burrough; Peter Cullen.

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