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Estudios de cultura maya
versión impresa ISSN 0185-2574
RUZ, Mario Humberto. Los esclavos del Santísimo Sacramento: Dos siglos de religiosidad campechana (1745-1914). Estud. cult. maya [online]. 2004, vol.25, pp.169-218. ISSN 0185-2574.
Trough the study of a group of inedited documents preserved at the Archivo Parroquial of Campeche, it is presented an analysis of the regulations, finances and impact that the Confraternidad de la Hopa (1745-1829), and later its successor, the Cofradía del Santísimo Sacramento (1877-1914), exerted in moral and religious life of the inhabitants of the port. It is shown how, in spite of being fraternities animated by the same spirit, they had diverse ways of influence in the moral and religiosity of Campeche people, specially in distinct forms of pious devotion and ritual pageantry.