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vol.60 issue74Theories of Interpretation in Hermeneutics and Analytical Philosophy author indexsubject indexsearch form
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Print version ISSN 0185-2450


ORTIZ MILLAN, Gustavo. Analogical Hermeneutics, Truth, and Method. Diánoia [online]. 2015, vol.60, n.74, pp.155-163. ISSN 0185-2450.

In this paper I analyze Mauricio Beuchot's analogical hermeneutics by contrasting it with Hans-Georg Gadamer's philosophical hermeneutics. I argue that Beuchot goes back to the classical idea of hermeneutics as a method of interpretation (centered on the notion of analogy), and does not see it, as Gadamer does, as a phenomenology of understanding. However, Beuchot does not address Gadamer's arguments against using hermeneutics as a methodology. Considered as a methodology centered on analogy, analogical hermeneutics overlooks other important interpretation resources. Finally, Beuchot adopts a correspondence theory of truth, which Gadamer objects and is incompatible with philosophical hermeneutics.

Keywords : Beuchot; Gadamer; analogy; interpretation.

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