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vol.56 número66La indicación formal como renovación de la fenomenología: luces y sombras índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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versión impresa ISSN 0185-2450


ESCUDERO, Jesús Adrián. Heidegger, a Reading of Aristotle's Rhetoric. Diánoia [online]. 2011, vol.56, n.66, pp.3-29. ISSN 0185-2450.

The present article analyses Heidegger's productive assimilation of the Aristotelian rhetoric, paying special attention to his lectures of 1924, Basic Concepts of Aristotelian Philosophy, and its later influence on the phenomenon of everydayness and the idle talk exposed in Being and Time. First, I outline Heidegger's early interpretation of Aristotle's politic and practical writings (1). Second, I show in more detail his ontological reading of Aristotle's Rhetoric, focusing on the sphere of communicability of opinions (2). And third, I describe the positive and negative aspects related to the phenomenon of idle talk sketched out in Being and Time, a phenomenon which condensates a good portion of his interpretations of Aristotelian rhetoric.

Palabras llave : discourse; idle talk; language; opinion.

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