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vol.54 número63Derecho natural y derecho legal en AristótelesReflexiones sobre La filosofía política de Platón a la luz de las Leyes, de André Laks índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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versión impresa ISSN 0185-2450


MOLINA, José. Lectio platonica: André Laks, Reader of the Laws. Diánoia [online]. 2009, vol.54, n.63, pp.157-164. ISSN 0185-2450.

The present article describes and briefly comments on the book by André Laks, La filosofía política de Platón a la luz de las Leyes. The book is an invitation to read the Laws, an introduction to Plato's political philosophy (not only in the Laws) and a critical assessment of the reception given to this work. According to Laks, Plato is the inventor of Political Philosophy, albeit some precursors, which is to be found in the relations between the Laws and other previous dialogues such as the Republic and the Politicus.

Palabras llave : philosophy; politics; Laws; Republic.

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