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vol.20 issue57Antropólogos y creyentesEl culto al Señor de las Maravillas, una expresión de la religiosidad popular de tipo urbano en la ciudad de Puebla author indexsubject indexsearch form
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Print version ISSN 0185-1659


MARTINEZ GOMEZ, Luis Jesús. Cargos en movimiento y prácticas religiosas migrantes en Petlalcingo, Puebla. Cuicuilco [online]. 2013, vol.20, n.57, pp.245-278. ISSN 0185-1659.

This essay analyzes the way in which the dynamics of migrants' spatial movements and certain organizational processes have generated a series of transformations in the positions systems of some Mexican rural areas. There is also an ethnographic follow-up of the main variations that have taken place in the ritual structure of Petlalcingo, Puebla, as a result of the mass exodus and the religious practices of the absent offspring. The intention is to contribute to the development of the "status of the question" concerning the role that migration has played in the reconfiguration of religious positions.

Keywords : migration; positions systems; religious practices; processes of change; flexibilization; transnationalization.

        · abstract in Spanish     · text in Spanish     · Spanish ( pdf )


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