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Print version ISSN 0185-1659
RIVERA GONZALEZ, José Guadalupe. Juventudes emergentes: percepciones en torno a la familia, la escuela, el trabajo y el ocio en jóvenes en contextos rurales en San Luis Potosí, México. Cuicuilco [online]. 2012, vol.19, n.53, pp.73-95. ISSN 0185-1659.
It's a fact that Mexican anthropology has focused to the analysis of different social sectors related with the rural field. Result of these interest, has generated a vast bibliography in which it has realized ups and downs that has faced the rural sector in different moments of sociopolitical and economic history of the country. However, what's happening in the rural field, there was a specially sector of the rural population which was shelved by the researchers. The sector to which we refer is the youth sector. This work from a set of interviews applied to a group of young people residing in rural contexts, seeks to know basically how these young people perceive the following areas of their development and daily life: family, work, education and leisure and entertainment. Know and analyze the narratives, experiences and perceptions of young people in these areas will be a key element to learn how they designed and built their life projects, in a context characterized by economic crises and by the uncertainty this creates in many areas of life of rural youth communities in Mexico and in particular the rural youth of San Luis Potosí.
Keywords : rurality; youth; family; work; school and leisure time.