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Print version ISSN 0185-1659
RAMIREZ VELAZQUEZ, Josefina. El trabajo docente en los márgenes y sus efectos en la salud: Percepción de profesores de un internado de religiosas del Estado de México. Cuicuilco [online]. 2012, vol.19, n.53, pp.11-37. ISSN 0185-1659.
The purpose of this paper is to describe the results of a study of four teachers who are part of the staff in a religious intern school located at Chalco, State of Mexico. The school has been the center of attention since 2007 when a collective hysteria epidemic took place affecting more that 600 students living at the school facility. The study departs from the assumption that sickness is an expression of body language, triggered by oppression, overwhelming discipline and confinement. Although the main interest was on explaining student's experienced, it was important to reach other actors for the need of understanding of the wider context were the epidemics developed. The harassment, the physical and emotional deterioration appears to be affecting not only the students but also the teachers who work with them, given the demanding working schedules and stressful environment that characterize the everyday living conditions at the school.
Keywords : teaching work; qualitative research; teachers' burnout; emotional exhaustion; situation at the margins.