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Print version ISSN 0185-1659
QUECHA REYNA, Citlali. La niñez y juventud afrodescendiente en el México de hoy: Experiencias a partir de la migración México-Estados Unidos. Cuicuilco [online]. 2011, vol.18, n.51, pp.63-81. ISSN 0185-1659.
This article focuses on the incidences of the international migration between afro-descendent young people and children, in "Costa Chica", Oaxaca. I analyze two topics: in one hand, the experience of young (specially women) that had migrated, and in the other hand, children of Corralero (less of 14 years old) that are not migrants, whose parents are working in the United States, with emphasis in the mother's absense. We will know some transformations that migration have been generated in the local dynamic, and the way in which this phenomenon incide in the daily life and in the social relationships from the new afro-descendent generations.
Keywords : young people; children; international migration; afro-descendents; Costa Chica.