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vol.18 issue51Vicente Guerrero: insurgente, militar y presidente afromexicano author indexsubject indexsearch form
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Print version ISSN 0185-1659


VELAZQUEZ GUTIERREZ, María Elisa. Africanos y afrodescendientes en México: premisas que obstaculizan entender su pasado y presente. Cuicuilco [online]. 2011, vol.18, n.51, pp.11-22. ISSN 0185-1659.

This article reflects on some assumptions that prevent understanding the complex historical processes involving Africans and African descendants in Mexico and therefore the situation of black communities today. It also reflect on the importance of considering the historical contexts, regions and the different characteristics of the experiences of Africans and their descendants in Mexican society taking into account documentary sources and ethnographic information and based on accurate and reliable data. The article analyzed three premises that are continuously repeated in historical and anthropological research based on historical prejudices or stereotypes. Among other things this ideas regarded the colonial society as a static society, Africans as a group always marginalized, the disappearance of racial categories as a problem of racism and miscegenation as a fallacy that has denied the presence and participation of other groups, especially those of African origin. Finally, this work emphasizes the importance of understanding the historical and anthropological as the appropriate way to understand the contribution of Africans and African descendants in the past and present of Mexico.

Keywords : Africans; afrodescendants; racism; miscegenation; colonial period; history; anthropology; Mexico.

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