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Anales del Instituto de Investigaciones Estéticas

Print version ISSN 0185-1276


SANCHIZ, Javier. The family group of Juan Gil Patricio Morlete Ruiz, painter of New Spain. An. Inst. Investig. Estét [online]. 2013, vol.35, n.103, pp.199-230. ISSN 0185-1276.

This article contains a biographical review dating from the mid nineteenth century, on the figure of Juan Patricio Morlete, aimed at establishing in phased manner how his biography was built up. The publication of the portrait of Carlos III contributes to increasing knowledge of his work, and the discovery of his death certificate in the Sagrario, the parish church annexed to Mexico City's cathedral, enables the extremes of his life to be fixed definitively as (1713-1772). The reconstruction of Morlete's family carried out on the basis of the city's sacramental records, reveals the existence of 19 children, product of his two marriages, and contributes some appreciations regarding the social networks established by him through compadrazgo, which may be of utility in future studies aimed at penetrating further into the biography of the painter.

Keywords : Juan Gil Morlete Ruiz; genealogy; biography; viceroyal painting.

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