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Anales del Instituto de Investigaciones Estéticas

Print version ISSN 0185-1276


SANCHEZ, José María. Sevillian artistic craftsmen of the sixteenth century: adaptations and changes to satisfy the demands of the American Market. An. Inst. Investig. Estét [online]. 2013, vol.35, n.103, pp.176-196. ISSN 0185-1276.

The discovery of America and the subsequent consolidation of Colonial Society brought a spectacular increase in the demand for works of art in the workshops and studios of the city of Seville, oriented to satisfying the requests from overseas as well as the commissions of Andalusian institutions and other customers enriched by the flood of gold and silver arriving from the New World. This implied perforce the need for craftpeople to adapt their production modes to new times, abandoning the old medieval systems and replacing them by others of clearly modern characteristics.

Keywords : artistic trade; workshop; modes of production system; 16th century.

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