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vol.46 número2The San Pedro Mártir Planetary Nebula Kinematic Catalogue: Extragalactic Planetary NebulaeEchelle spectroscopy of the nuclei of the highly collimated bipolar planetary nebulae M 2-9 and M 1-91 índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Revista mexicana de astronomía y astrofísica

versão impressa ISSN 0185-1101


RODRIGUEZ, Luis F.; GOMEZ, Yolanda; LOINARD, Laurent  e  MIODUSZEWSKI, Amy J. On the Size of the Non-Thermal Component in the Radio Emission from Cyg OB2 #5. Rev. mex. astron. astrofis [online]. 2010, vol.46, n.2, pp.215-219. ISSN 0185-1101.

Cyg OB2 #5 is a contact binary system with variable radio continuum emission. This emission has a low-flux state where it is dominated by thermal emission from the ionized stellar wind and a high-flux state where an additional non-thermal component appears. The variations are now known to have a period of 6.7 ±0.2 yr. The non-thermal component has been attributed to different agents: an expanding envelope ejected periodically from the binary, emission from a wind-collision región, or a star with non-thermal emission in an eccentric orbit around the binary. The determination of the angular size of the non-thermal component is crucial to discrimínate between these alternatives. We present the analysis of VLA archive observations made at 8.46 GHz in 1994 (low state) and 1996 (high state), that allow us to subtract the effect of the persistent thermal emission and to estimate an angular size of ≤ 0"02 for the non-thermal component. This compact size favors the explanation in terms of a star with non-thermal emission or of a wind-collision región.

Palavras-chave : radio continuum [stars]; stars [individual (Cyg OB2 #5)].

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