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Acta zoológica mexicana

versión On-line ISSN 2448-8445versión impresa ISSN 0065-1737


REVELO-TOBAR, Harol; ESTRADA-VENEGAS, Edith G.; EQUIHUA-MARTINEZ, Armando  y  VALDEZ-CARRASCO, Jorge. Biology and morphology of the ontogenetic development of Allogalumna (Acrogalumna) longipluma (Berlese, 1904) (Oribatida: Galumnidae). New record for Mexico. Acta Zool. Mex [online]. 2023, vol.39, e3912438.  Epub 01-Dic-2023. ISSN 2448-8445.

Allogalumna (Acrogalumna) longipluma (Berlese, 1904) is a species with a wide distribution, reported for the first time in Mexican territory. The specimens were collected from soil samples from oak-pine forest and orchard planted with avocado (Persea americana) in the municipality of Uruapan, Michoacán. This work aims to provide more information on the biology, behavior, and morphology of all stages of development under laboratory conditions. The life cycle from oviposition to adult death was 217 ± 69.9 days, the egg stage had the longest duration of 10.1 ± 1.8 days, followed by tritonymph 9.4 ± 2.6; the adult life was the one with the greatest variability. Changes in size, morphology, sclerotization, ototoxic system and chaetotaxy of the body of juveniles and adults are described and illustrated.

Palabras llave : biological cycle; new record; ontogeny; immatures.

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