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vol.56 issue168A relative effect of judgements or case-law as a source of law? A proposal for reconciliation to unresolved tensionLos precedentes en el sistema brasileño de justicia multipuertas author indexsubject indexsearch form
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Boletín mexicano de derecho comparado

On-line version ISSN 2448-4873Print version ISSN 0041-8633


CALDERON MEDRANO, Carlos Alberto. The criteria of dominance and congruence in the development of constitutional jurisprudence in Bolivia. Bol. Mex. Der. Comp. [online]. 2023, vol.56, n.168, pp.57-80.  Epub Nov 29, 2024. ISSN 2448-4873.

The objective of this paper is to develop in an analytical and critical manner the functionality of the highest jurisprudential standard, as a criterion for the protection and implementation of the protection of Fundamental Rights, but not as a tool to establish and systematize valid constitutional precedents or in force, for which, in parallel, dominance and congruence will be established as suitable and suitable criteria for the identification and systematization of valid constitutional precedent.

Keywords : jurisprudence; precedent; Constitution.

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