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vol.56 número3Nivel socioeconómico y percepción del índice de masa corporal en adultos en MéxicoPrevalencia de Streptococcus pneumoniae serotipo 19A antes y después de la introducción de la vacuna conjugada heptavalente en México índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Salud Pública de México

versão impressa ISSN 0036-3634


DE ALUJA, Aline S et al. Evaluation of the impact of a control program against taeniasis-cysticercosis (Taenia solium). Salud pública Méx [online]. 2014, vol.56, n.3, pp.259-265. ISSN 0036-3634.

Objetive. The impact of a control program is evaluated to eventually eradicate taeniasis-cysticercosis (Taenia solium) based on education and vaccination of pigs. Materials and methods. The prevalence of porcine cysticercosis was estimated using tongue inspection, ultrasound and determination of antibodies, before and three years after the application in three regions of the state of Guerrero. Results. A significant reduction in the prevalence of porcine cysticercosis of 7 to 0.5% and 3.6 to 0.3% estimated by tongue examination or ultrasound respectively (p<0.01) and a no significant decrease in seroprevalence from 17.7 to 13.3% were observed. Conclusions. The reduction of the prevalence of taeniasis-cysticercosis establishes the program's effectiveness in preventing infection. The sustained presence of antibodies, compatible with contact of Taenia solium or other related helminths, underlines the importance of maintaining interventions to achieve eradication.

Palavras-chave : pigs; taenia solium; cysticercosis; diagnosis; education; vaccination; Mexico.

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