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vol.55 suppl.1Aplicación del ciclo estratégico por resultados a la planificación de estrategias de VIH/sida en LatinoaméricaAnálisis de costo-beneficio: prevención del VIH/sida en migrantes en Centroamérica índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Salud Pública de México

versión impresa ISSN 0036-3634


GOMEZ-JAUREGUI, Jesica et al. Factors influencing Central America's civil society organization's capacity to provide AIDS related care. Salud pública Méx [online]. 2013, vol.55, suppl.1, pp.S15-S22. ISSN 0036-3634.

OBJECTIVE: To analyze the capacities of Central American civil society organizations (CSOs) to implement HIV prevention and care strategies in mobile groups within the HIV Mesoamerican Project. MATERIALS AND METHODS: During the year 2008, 14 key actors of nine Central American civil society organizations participating in the Mesoamerican Project were interviewed. The information collected was systematized using Atlas-TI software, and content analysis was performed according to its categories and dimensions. RESULTS: These items were a contribution to capacity: the previous work of CSOs allowed the sensibilization of population and authorities to STD-HIV and to the implemented program; the coordination with government and other involved actors. Limitations: a good but informal coordination with the government; the worsening economic situation reduced available resources; attended communities are isolated and unsecure. CONCLUSION: To improve the capacities of CSOs in developing this type of project, it is recommended: that an initial community diagnosis be performed in order to better adapt the proposed interventions; to improve administrative efficiency; to formalize collaborative links with the government; and to seek counseling in the development of HIV prevention strategies that consider population mobility.

Palabras llave : Central America; migrants; non-governmental organizations; acquired immunodeficiency syndrome.

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