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Salud Pública de México
Print version ISSN 0036-3634
SALINAS-ESCUDERO, Guillermo et al. Economic evaluation of the use of exogenous pulmonary surfactants in preterm newborns in a Mexican population. Salud pública Méx [online]. 2012, vol.54, suppl.1, pp.s73-s81. ISSN 0036-3634.
OBJECTIVE: To estimate the cost-effectiveness ratio of surfactant rescue treatment of premature infants with respiratory distress syndrome (RDS) who are covered by the Medical Insurance for a New Generation. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A cost-effectiveness evaluation was conducted from the third-payer perspective. Comparisons were made between the use of bovine surfactant (BS) therapy and without BS therapy. A decision tree model with a lifetime horizon was used where the measurements of effectiveness were life years gained (LYG) and quality-adjusted life years (QALYs). A 5% discount rate was considered for costs and health outcomes. All costs are expressed in Mexican pesos 2009. RESULTS: Incremental cost-effectiveness ratios (ICER) were MXN$136670 per LYG and MXN$125250 per QALY. CONCLUSION: Surfactant therapy was confirmed as a cost-effective strategy in accordance with World Health Organization criteria of three per capita gross domestic product (GDP) per QALY in premature infants with RDS in Mexico.
Keywords : cost effectiveness; surfactant; respiratory distress syndrome; direct medical costs; life years gained; quality adjusted life years; Mexico.