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vol.53 número4La variedad, diversidad y características de la dieta en muestras de conveniencia de mujeres guatemaltecasValidez de las estadísticas de causa básica de muerte en Hermosillo, México índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Salud Pública de México

versión impresa ISSN 0036-3634


MORENO-TAMAYO, Karla et al. Does food insecurity compromise maternal dietary Zinc or energy intake in favor of her child, in rural poor Mexican households?. Salud pública Méx [online]. 2011, vol.53, n.4, pp.299-311. ISSN 0036-3634.

OBJECTIVE: To analyze quantitative indicators of food insecurity (FI), and estimate if FI modifies the association between maternal and child Zinc and energy intake as evidence for maternal dietary compromise in favor of her child. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Cross-sectional study (n=2 563), data derived from baseline impact evaluation of the Mexican Programa de Apoyo Alimentario. Quantitative indicators of FI were:Household food storage, maize and/or bean production, food expenditure, and spatial access to food markets. We evaluated percentage adequacy of energy (PAE) and Zinc (PAZn) intake. Multiple linear regression model was fitted to estimate the association between maternal and child PAE and PAZn. RESULTS: Child PAE and PAZn were positively associated with those of their mothers. None of the FI indicators modified the association between maternal and child PAE and PAZn. CONCLUSIONS: No evidence of maternal dietary compromise in favor of her child was observed using four quantitative indicators of FI in central-southern rural Mexican househods.

Palabras llave : food security; maternal diet; preschool child diet; rural Mexico.

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