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vol.51 suppl.1Valores de referencia para la densidad mineral ósea expresada en área para una población mexicana sanaTendencias de correlación para la densidad mineral ósea en mujeres mexicanas: pruebas de predisposición familiar índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Salud Pública de México

versión impresa ISSN 0036-3634


TORRES-MEJIA, Gabriela; GUZMAN PINEDA, Rubén; TELLEZ-ROJO, Martha María  y  LAZCANO-PONCE, Eduardo. Peak bone mass and bone mineral density correlates for 9 to 24 year-old Mexican women, using corrected BMD. Salud pública Méx [online]. 2009, vol.51, suppl.1, pp.s84-s92. ISSN 0036-3634.

OBJECTIVE: To determine the age of peak bone mass (PBM) in Mexican women and factors associated with both BMDa and corrected BMD (BMDcorr) at the femoral neck and the spine (L2-L4). MATERIAL AND METHODS: Data on 461 women between 9 and 24 years old was used. An interview was performed and height and weight were measured. BMDa was measured by a densitometer and BMDcorr by the method proposed by Kröger et al. (1992). RESULTS: PBM at the spine (L2-L4) was observed later than at the femoral neck. Both BMDa and BMDcorr at the lumbar spine correlate with age, socio-economic status, body fat percentage and height. BMDa at the femoral neck correlates with overweight and obesity, body fat percentage, height and moderate physical activity; the same variables were associated with BMDcorr except for height. CONCLUSIONS: The method proposed by Kröger et al. was more precise at the femoral neck than at the spine.

Palabras llave : corrected bone mineral density; peak bone mass; Mexican women.

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