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vol.51 suppl.1Importancia y relevancia de la masa ósea máxima en la prevalencia de osteoporosisUltrasonido cuantitativo para la detección y manejo de osteoporosis índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Salud Pública de México

versión impresa ISSN 0036-3634


KNAPP, Karen M. Quantitative ultrasound and bone health. Salud pública Méx [online]. 2009, vol.51, suppl.1, pp.s18-s24. ISSN 0036-3634.

This review of quantiative ultrasound (QUS) and bone health uses the current literature to summarise the clinical and research effectiveness of QUS. QUS has been demonstrated to have the ability to predict fracture, particularly at the hip. However, the magnitude of prediction is fracture-site, measurement-site and device dependent. The correlations between dual X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) and bone mineral density (BMD) are weak to moderate, resulting in different subjects being identified as being at risk of fracture by the two different methods. QUS is sensitive to age and menopause-related changes and to clinical risk factors and lifestyle factors associated with osteoporosis. Whilst a limited ability of QUS to monitor therapeutic intervention has been demonstrated, this is still an area where it's poorer precision, in comparison to DXA, results in limited applicability. Whilst DXA remains the gold standard for the diagnosis of osteoporosis, QUS may be of use for the prediction of those at risk of future fracture in areas where there is limited availability of DXA.

Palabras llave : osteoporosis; ultrasound; bone density; fracture.

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