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Neumología y cirugía de tórax

versión impresa ISSN 0028-3746


PALACIOS-ZERTUCHE, Jorge Tadeo et al. Neck gunshot wound with tracheoesophageal injury and sternothyroid muscle flap repair. Neumol. cir. torax [online]. 2016, vol.75, n.3, pp.222-226. ISSN 0028-3746.


Penetrating neck injuries represent 5-10% of all trauma lesions that present to the emergency room resulting in significant mortality.

Case report:

34-year-old male is brought to the emergency room with a gunshot wound in the neck. Urgent endotracheal intubation was performed and then referred to the operating room. We performed a transverse cervical incision observing both, esophageal and tracheal lesions comprising the third and fourth tracheal rings. A tracheostomy tube was put in place through the anterior tracheal lesion. Debridement of the borders and primary closure of the esophageal lesion was carried out in order to place a vascularized sternothyroid muscle flap between the tracheal and esophageal injuries. A drain is placed and gastrostomy is performed. Enteral nutrition via gastrostomy was indicated for ten days. Oral intake was reinstituted afterwards without evidence of leakage.


A vascularized muscle flap, involving the sternocleidomastoid or infrahyoid muscles, is critical to protect the esophageal repair and reduce the incidence of tracheoesophageal fistulas and leakage.

Palabras llave : Neck injuries; tracheal injuries; esophagus injuries; muscle patch.

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