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Revista de la Facultad de Medicina (México)

On-line version ISSN 2448-4865Print version ISSN 0026-1742


NUNEZ-VENZOR, Alejandra et al. Asymptomatic Hypoplasia of the Left Hepatic Lobe: Surgical Tomographic and Pathological Findings. Presentation of a Rare Entity. Rev. Fac. Med. (Méx.) [online]. 2022, vol.65, n.6, pp.26-31.  Epub Jan 20, 2023. ISSN 2448-4865.


Abnormalities of liver morphology are rare, divided into two categories: those resulting from overgrowth of liver tissue, such as the Riedel lobe and other accessory lobes, and those with poor liver development include agenesis, hypoplasia and aplasia of the hepatic lobes.

Presentation of the case

57-year-old man, subjected to laparoscopic programmed inguinal surgery, finding liver hypoplasia.


Hepatic hypoplasia is rare, has no symptoms or long-term clinical repercussions, is usually an incidental finding during an imaging study or during an abdominal surgical procedure.

Keywords : Liver; abnormalities congenital; left lobe hypoplasia.

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