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Geofísica internacional

On-line version ISSN 2954-436XPrint version ISSN 0016-7169


GONZALEZ-GUADARRAMA, María de Jesús; CASTILLO-BLUM, Silvia Elena  and  ARMIENTA-HERNANDEZ, María Aurora. Complejación de metales por sustancias húmicas acuáticas como proceso natural, tomando como caso de estudio el Lago de Xochimilco, Ciudad de México, México. Geofís. Intl [online]. 2022, vol.61, n.1, pp.55-65.  Epub Dec 02, 2022. ISSN 2954-436X.

This work discusses the importance of organic matter, specifically Aquatic Humic Substances (SHA) within the speciation and distribution of metals within an aquatic system, in this case Xochimilco Lake, a site with great ecological importance. This lake is the natural habitat of the endemic species “axolotl” (ajolote). In this research, complexation reactions between SHA and metals (Cu, Mn, Pb and Zn) were carried out under different reaction conditions, the source of AHS was water samples taken in Xochimilco Lake in presence and absence of pH buffer dissolution and varying the concentration of metals. The results show that there is a direct competition between the major elements and trace elements to react with the AHS. Under the pH conditions of Xochimilco Lake complexes formation is possible.

Keywords : Remediation; aquatic humic substances; metals; reactions of complexation and Xochimilco Lake.

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