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Gaceta médica de México

On-line version ISSN 2696-1288Print version ISSN 0016-3813


MARTINEZ-RAMIREZ, Juan C.; VILLARREAL-RIOS, Enrique; GARCIA-DIAZ, Blanca I.  and  GALICIA-RODRIGUEZ, Liliana. Family out-of-pocket expenditure for type 2 diabetes mellitus care and percentage of family income. Gac. Méd. Méx [online]. 2024, vol.160, n.2, pp.205-211.  Epub Oct 25, 2024. ISSN 2696-1288.


Type 2 diabetes has economic implications involving family income and out-of-pocket spending.


Determine family out-of-pocket expenditure for type 2 diabetes mellitus care and percentage of family income.

Material and methods:

Study of family out-of-pocket spending in families with patients with type 2 diabetes treated at primary care level. Out-of-pocket expenses included expenses for transportation, food-drinks, and external medications. Family income corresponded to the total economic income contributed by family members. The percentage of out-of-pocket spending in relation to family income was identified with the relationship between these two variables. Statistical analysis included averages and percentages.


The annual family out-of-pocket expenditure on transportation was $2,621.24, the family out-of-pocket expenditure on food and beverages was $1,075.67, and the family out-of-pocket expenditure on external medications was $722.08. The total annual family out-of-pocket expense was $4,418.89 and corresponds to 4.73% of family income.


The family out-of-pocket expense in the family with a patient with diabetes mellitus 2 was $4,418.89 and represents 4.73% of the family income.

Keywords : Type 2 diabetes mellitus; Out-of-pocket spending; Health spending; Family income.

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