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Gaceta médica de México
On-line version ISSN 2696-1288Print version ISSN 0016-3813
OLMEDO-CANCHOLA, Víctor H.; JEAN-AURELUS, Pierre; VASQUEZ-LUNA, Miguel Á. and SANTOS-PRECIADO, José I.. Certification exams evaluated with serial clinical cases: theoretical and problematic approach. Gac. Méd. Méx [online]. 2024, vol.160, n.2, pp.128-134. Epub Oct 25, 2024. ISSN 2696-1288.
The objective of this issue is a theoretical approach to the disadvantages involved in taking the certification exams of medical specializations through serial clinical cases and analyzing them with the Classical Test Theory (TCT). The certification exams of medical specializations correspond to criterial summative exams with high consequences. Therefore, it is imperative to maintain the highest quality standards in all the processes involved in preparing the exam. At present, it has been detected that some councils of medical specialties conduct the certification exams with tests that contain serial clinical cases and the psychometric analysis that they conduct is supported by the TCT; however, the structure of this type of test violates the fundamental assumptions of the TCT. The violation of the fundamental assumptions of the TCT in the tests constructed through serial clinical cases can lead to biases or misinterpretations of the results. Due to the above, it is advisable to use other psychometric models for the analysis of this type of test, or to avoid the use of serial clinical cases in the certification exams of medical specialties.
Keywords : Medical certification; Medical council; Medical evaluation; Psychometrics; Classical test theory; Testlet.