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Mexican law review
versão On-line ISSN 2448-5306versão impressa ISSN 1870-0578


Mex. law rev vol.5 no.2 Ciudad de México Jan./Jun. 2013

 ·  Investor-State Tribunals and Constitutional Courts: The Mexican Sweeteners Saga
Puig, Sergio

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 ·  The "War on Drugs" and the "New Strategy": Identity Constructions of the United States, U.S. Drug Users and Mexico
Martínez Valenzuela, César

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 ·  Why Has the Transition to Democracy Led the Mexican Presidential System to Political Instability? A Proposal to Enhance Institutional Arrangements
Álvarez Tovar, Jorge Arturo

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 ·  The Development of the Media and the Public Sphere in Mexico
Betancourt Higareda, Felipe Carlos

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 ·  Global Politics
Fernández Santillán, José

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 ·  How Mexican Principals Deal with Teacher Underperformance: A Study of How Public Middle School Principals in Mexico City Manage Underperforming Teachers
Silva Méndez, Jorge Luis

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 ·  Group Litigation Reaches Mexico: Revisiting Mexico's System of Collective Actions as a Vehicle to Ensure Efficient Implementation of Environmental Justice
Vincent, David P.

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 ·  Mexico's Attempt to Extend its Continental Shelf Beyond 200 Nautical Miles Serves as a Model for the International Community
Heaton Jr., S. Warren

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