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Revista bio ciencias

versión On-line ISSN 2007-3380

Revista bio ciencias vol.10  Tepic  2023  Epub 23-Feb-2024 

Original articles

Identification and biorational management of thrips (Vaccinium corymbosum L.) in Nayarit, Mexico.

Identificación y manejo biorracional de trips (Thysanoptera) en arándano (Vaccinium corymbosum L.) en Nayarit, México.

1Maestria Interinstitucional en Agricultura Protegida. Unidad Académica de Agricultura. Universidad Autónoma de Nayarit. Carretera Tepic-Compostela km.9.5 Xalisco. C.P. 63780, Xalisco, Nayarit, México.

2Facultad de Agrobiología ‘Presidente Juárez’, Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo. Paseo Lázaro Cárdenas, 2290, Uruapan. CP. 60170, Uruapan, Michoacán, México.

3Unidad Académica de Agricultura. Universidad Autónoma de Nayarit. Carretera Tepic-Compostela km.9.5 Xalisco. C.P. 63780, Xalisco, Nayarit, México.

4Programa de Doctorado en Ciencias Biológico Agropecuarias. Universidad Autónoma de Nayarit. Carretera Tepic-Compostela km.9.5 Xalisco. C.P. 63780, Xalisco, Nayarit, México.


This research aimed to morphologically identify the thrips associated with blueberry cultivation in the municipalities of Xalisco and Tepic, Nayarit; Also, biorational insecticides were evaluated for their management. During 2022, thrips were captured directly in the crop with the knockdown technique. Insecticides were applied with 5 L manual sprayers, 8-lb pressure, and a full cone nozzle extension. Five applications were made at 15 days intervals. In Xalisco, eight species of thrips were recorded, while in Tepic only Scirtothrips dorsalis was registered, which predominated in both properties. Formulated products based on cinnamon extract, garlic, azadirachtin, mustard, a regional control Spintor® (Spinosad), and an absolute control (water) were evaluated individually. The cinnamon extract was the most effective biorational with 73.5 % control, while the mustard extract obtained 32.44 % being the least effective. The previous results show that the thrips fauna in the blueberry crop is diverse and is mostly represented by S. dorsalis, which is a pest species of this crop in other producing states, in addition, biorational products were found with the potential to be incorporated in an integrated thrips management program.

KEY WORDS: Biorational control; Macrotunnel; Scirtothrips dorsalis; Thrips; Thysanoptera


El objetivo de la investigación fue identificar morfológicamente los trips asociados al cultivo de arándanos en los municipios de Xalisco y Tepic, Nayarit; además de evaluar insecticidas biorracionales para su manejo. Durante el año 2022, se capturaron trips con la técnica de derribo directamente en el cultivo. Los insecticidas se aplicaron con aspersores manuales de 5 L, de 8 lb de presión y extensión con boquilla de cono lleno. Se realizaron cinco aplicaciones con intervalos de 15 días. En Xalisco se registraron ocho especies de trips, mientras que en Tepic se registró a Scirtothrips dorsalis, misma que predominó en ambos municipios. Se evaluaron individualmente productos formulados a base de extracto de canela, ajo, azadiractina, mostaza, un testigo regional Spintor® (Spinosad) y un testigo absoluto (agua). El extracto de canela fue el biorracional más efectivo con 73.5 % de control, mientras que el extracto de mostaza obtuvo un 32.44 % siendo el menos efectivo. Los resultados demuestran que la fauna de trips en el cultivo de arándano es diversa, mayormente representada por S. dorsalis la cual es una especie plaga de este cultivo en otros estados productores, además, se encontraron productos biorracionales con potencial para ser incorporados en un programa de manejo integrado de trips. Estos resultados sientan las bases para tener más herramientas para el manejo de estas especies plaga en el cultivo de arándano.

PALABRAS CLAVE: Control biorracional; Macrotunel; Scirtothrips dorsalis; Trips; Thysanoptera


The blueberry Vaccinium corymbosum L. (Ericaceae) has a wide market, as it is a very versatile crop since it is consumed fresh, as processed food and oil (Ehlenfeldt & Prior, 2001; Romero, 2016); it is also a fruit with great health benefits by containing fiber, vitamins, antioxidant capacity, and secondary metabolites, the latter, used to treat cardiovascular diseases (Neri et al., 2009; Romero, 2016).

FAOSTAT (2021) reports a worldwide production of 850,886 t, and in Mexico, 48,998 t are produced in 4,908 ha planted, with the varieties Biloxi, Misty, Ventura, and Victoria. Mexican production is distributed in 10 states, highlighting Jalisco as the main producer with 29,471 t, Nayarit state is the 10th producer with 44 t since it is a recent introduction (SIAP, 2019).

Pests and diseases are the most relevant causes of production loss in blueberries. In Mexico, damage is associated with different diseases (Santiago et al., 2019), and insect pests such as the strawberry whitefly Trialeurodes packardi Morill (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae), spotted wing drosophila Drosophila suzukii Matsumura (Diptera: Drosophilidae) and gall midge Dasineura oxycoccana Johnson (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) (Cisternas, 2007; Restrepo et al., 2011; Hahn, 2011). Thrips (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) are considered primary pests and cause damage by feeding, and oviposition on flowers and vegetative shoots, resulting in necrotic spots and leaf rolling (Goldarazena, 2015; Zamora et al., 2020). In Mexico, there are records of thrips species such as Scirtothrips dorsalis (Hood), Thrips palmi (Karny), Frankliniella fortissima (Priesner), F. bruneri (Watson) associated with the blueberry crop (V. corymbosum) in Michoacán, Mexico (Ortiz et al., 2020; Zamora et al., 2020).

Thrips management is complicated due to the lack of knowledge about species, habits, and behavior associated with damage, together with the reduced amount of chemical molecules that can be used in this crop; As a consequence, a mosaic of active ingredients is applied, where the ones registered for its management are Pyriproxyfen, Zeta-Cipermethrin+Novaluron, Spinosad, Spinoteram, Thiamethoxam among others, being one of the main problems the residual in fruits, as well as the development of resistance by pest organisms (Santaeufemia et al., 2006; Devine et al., 2008; Aneberries, 2021).

Based on the above, and with the need to identify sustainable alternatives for the thrips management in blueberry, this research aimed to taxonomically identify the thrips species associated with the blueberry crops and evaluate the biological effects of biorational insecticides for their control in Nayarit, Mexico.

Material and Methods

Study area

The experiment was carried out at the "Los Compadres" farm of Agroconcordia S.P.R. de C.V. group, in Xalisco, Nayarit (21° 25' 36'' N and 104° 54' 20.6'' W at 1,001 masl) with the blueberry varieties Biloxi, Victoria, and Ventura. It was also carried out at the "Agrícola Frutane" ranch in Tepic, Nayarit (21° 30'04.54.54'' N and 104° 52'10.35'' W at 949 masl), with 2 ha of the Biloxi variety.

Thrips capture

Thrips sampling was carried out weekly during 2020 in the "Los compadres" and "Agrícola Frutane" farms; 30 plants per block were randomly selected for capture, one inflorescence per plant was shaken on a white plastic tray of 25 cm × 25 cm, the samples were collected in the direction of the four cardinal points and with the support of a triple "0" camel hair brush were preserved in 2 mL Eppendorf tubes with 70 % alcohol for later mounting and identification (Castañeda et al., 2003).

Thrips were collected on the weeds present within the crop and the peripheries using the roundup technique. It consisted of giving 100 blows in five representative points of each farm with an entomological net of 30 cm diameter (Cambero et al., 2009); the collected insects were deposited in a 2 L plastic bag. All collected specimens were transferred to the Agricultural Parasitology Laboratory CEMIC 03 at the Universidad Autónoma de Nayarit for processing and identification.

Assembly and taxonomic identification

Adult thrips were mounted with the technique suggested by Johansen & Mojica (1997), which consisted of progressive dehydration with 80, 90 and 100 % alcohol; were placed in Petri dishes for 15 min in each concentration; later, for clarification, the specimens were placed in xylene for 3 min. Finally, with the aid of a stereoscopic microscope (Motic® SMZ-143), thrips were mounted on slides and coverslips and left on a plate (IKA®, Model: C-IMAG) at 30°C for 24 h for drying.

For specimen identification, a compound microscope (Labomed®, Model: C x L), and the taxonomic keys of Mound & Marullo, (1996); Soto & Retana, (2003); Hoddle & Mound, (2012) were used. Species confirmation was performed by M.C Jesús Alexander Rodríguez Arrieta of the Centro de Investigación en Estructuras Microscópicas (CIEMIC) at the Universidad de Costa Rica.

Evaluation of biorational insecticides

The evaluation was carried out at Los Compadres farm with the Biloxi variety. Treatments were applied during the flowering stage (June-August 2020) since this coincides with the highest incidence of the pest. Treatments were applied with manual sprinklers (KAWASHIMA AK5L) of five liters, with application schedules that ranged between 7:00 and 8:00 hours. Five applications were made at 15 d intervals (Table 1). Thrips mortality was recorded 72 h after application. The response variable was the number of thrips per plant.

Table 1 Insecticides evaluated on thrips in the blueberry crop. 

Treatment Trade name Active ingredient Formulation Dosage 200 L/Ha
T1 Spintor ® Spinosad (22.14 %) CS 0.6 L
T2 Mix protective C ® Excerpt from cinnamon (20 %) CS 2 L
T3 Azanim ® Azadirachtin (20 %) EC 2 L
T4 Mix protectivee A ® Garlic extract (20 %) CS 2 L
T5 Mix protectivee M ® Excerpt from mustard (20 %) CS 2 L
T6 Control Water ------------------ 2 L

CS= Concentrated suspension; EC= Emulsifiable concentrate

Experimental design and statistical analysis

A randomized complete block design was used, with six treatments and three replicates. The experimental unit (E.U.) was a 10 m plantation of the Biloxi variety, with an average of 14 plants; seven plants were quantified as a useful plot. An analysis of variance (ANOVA) was applied to the obtained data to determine differences in biological effectiveness between insecticides, as well as between applications, using the statistical package IBM SPSS Statistics® Version 25 for Windows®. A comparison of means was performed with Tukey's test (α ≤ 0.05).

Resultados y Discusión

Thrips capture

31 samples obtained at Los Compadres, Xalisco, and 16 at Agrícola Frutane, Tepic (Table 2) were analyzed. A total of 3,077 thrips were captured with both techniques; in Agrícola Frutane, the largest number of individuals collected was obtained.

Table 2 Number of thrips specimens collected by two sampling methods, in two blueberry farms in Nayarit state. 

Knockdown Roundup
Site Larvae Adults Larvae Adults
Variety Bi Ve Vi Bi Ve Vi - -
Xalisco 215 97 72 726 421 285 28 281
Tepic 131 0 0 703 0 0 31 87
Subtotal 346 97 72 4,429 421 285 - -
Total 515 2,135 59 368

Bi= Biloxi; Ve= Ventura; Vi= Victoria.

Taxonomic identification

Of the total number of individuals captured, 702 (22.8 %) adult specimens were mounted in good condition, of which 343 corresponded to Xalisco municipality and 164 to Tepic municipality. Two suborders were found, Terebrantia (99.93 %) and Tubulifera (0.06 %). In Terebrantia, thrips were identified: Scolothrips sexmaculatus (Pergande), Caliothrips phaseoli (Hood), F. gardeniae (Moulton), F. bruneri (Watson), F. occidentalis (Pergande), and Scirtothrips dorsalis (Hood), the latter being the most dominant species with 321 individuals. In Tubulifera, Leptothrips sp. was identified (2) (Table 3).

In this regard, Cambero et al. (2010) and Cambero et al. (2011a), recorded a thrips complex in the avocado crop Persea americana Mill (Lauraceae) in Nayarit, where they coincide with the species presented in this study, such as F. occidentalis, F. gardeniae, F. orizabensis, S. sexmaculatus, and specimens of the genus Leptothrips sp. sexmaculatus and specimens of the genus Leptothrips sp. On the other hand, Ortiz et al. (2020) recorded damage by thrips of the species S. dorsalis, F. occidentalis, and F. cephalica in the crop of V. corymbosum L. and raspberry Rubus idaeus L. in Michoacán state, Mexico. While Zamora et al. (2020) recorded damage by thrips of the species F. fortissima, F. bruneri, and Thrips palmi on blueberries in Michoacán, Mexico. Highlighting that the species F. orizabensis is considered a predator and is used in a biological control context, as a predator of thrips eggs, larvae, and pupae (Hoddle, 2003), while, Johansen & Mojica, (2006) and, Hoddle et al. (2008), reported the species S. sexmaculatus as a predator of Tetranychus spp. mites and thrips of the genus Scirtothrips. Both F. orizabensis and S. sexmaculatus were previously recorded for Nayarit by Cambero et al. (2011b).

Table 3 Number of thrips specimens collected in the blueberry crop in Xalisco and Tepic, Nayarit, Mexico. 

Suborder Family Species Xalisco Tepic
Knockdown Sweep netting Knockdown Sweep netting
343 136 164 59
Terebrantia Thripidae
Scirtothrips dorsalis Hood, 1919 322 136 164 59
Scolothrips sexmaculatus Pergande, 1890 3 - - -
Caliothrips phaseoli Hood, 1912 3
Frankliniella gardenia Moulton, 1948 6 - - -
Frankliniella bruneri Watson, 1926 5 - - -
Frankliniella occidentalis Pergande, 1895 1 - - -
Terebrantia Aeolothripidae - - -
Franklinothrips orizabensis Johansen, 1974 1 - - -
Tubulifera Phlaeothripidae - - -
Leptothrips sp. Hood, 1909 2 - - -

Evaluation of biorational insecticides

In the insecticides analysis, among applications only treatment 1 (Spintor®) showed significant differences between the 4th and 5th applications with an increase in thrips per plant (Figure 1).

Insecticides reached a percentage of higher effectiveness ranging from 32.4 to 73.5 % with respect to the control, on the other hand, Mix Protectivee C®, obtained higher effectiveness (73.5 %) than Spinosad, while the treatment with Mix Protectivee M®, obtained 32.44 % effectiveness. These results are similar to those reported by Lemus et al. (2017) when registering 91 and 93 % of effectiveness in the control of thrips of the Thripidae family, in cv. Hass avocado, using botanical insecticides based on Neem and Cinnamon.

Similarly, Zamora (2019), reported for the cultivation of blueberry and blackberry 92 % biological effectiveness on Thrips sp., Frankliniella bruneri, and F. fortissima, with the products FLY-NOT® (quilaya plant extract), Grandevo® (Chromobacterium subtsugae), Venerate® (Burkholderia rinojensis) and BIODie® (Argemonine, Berberine, Ricinine, and a- Terthienyl). In five applications, there were no significant differences between treatments (Table 4), with < 12 individuals per plant.

Figure 1 Thrips mortality percentage. * Means with the same letter are statistically equal according to Tukey (p = 0.05). *AP: application. 

Table 4 Number of thrips/plant in blueberry after applications of 45 treatments in Xalisco and Tepic Nayarit, Mexico. 

Treatment DAA1 DAA2 DAA3 DAA4 DAA5
Control® *23.3±2.7a *35±2.5a *34±3a *32.6±4a 26.2±2.2a
Spintor® 4.8±3.6a 3.7±1a 1.3±9a 2.4±0.5b 0.3±0.5a
Mix Protectivee C® 3.7±1.5a 2.9±1a 3.2±2a 2.1±1.3a 0.5±0.5a
Azanim® 8±1.9a 5.1±2a 4.1±2a 2.8±2a 1.2±1.1a
Mix Protectivee A® 1.4±1a 2.5±2.3a 1.5±0.3a 2.6±2a 2.7±2.5a
Mix Protectivee M® 12.1±1.4a 11.2±2a 9.9±2a 8.2±2a 8.2±2.2a

*For each day of application, means between columns are statistically different (p < 0.05, Tukey). *Days After Application.


Two suborders were identified, Terebrantia (99.9 %) and Tubulifera (0.06 %). In Terebrantia, Scirtothrips dorsalis (681 individuals), Scolothrips sexmaculatus (3), Caliothrips phaseoli (3), and Frankliniella gardeniae (6), F. bruneri (5), F. occidentalis (1), and F. orizabensis were identified. In Tubulifera, Leptothrips sp. was identified (2). On the other hand, the evaluation of the biorational insecticides showed that the product with the highest biological effectiveness was Mix Protectivee C® with 73.5 %, while Mix Protectivee M® was the one with the lowest value with 32.44 %.


To the Universidad Autónoma de Nayarit for providing the facilities to carry out this research. Project carried out with resources from the special tax destined to UAN 2022.


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Financing Project carried out with resources from the special tax destined to UAN 2022.

Received: March 13, 2023; Accepted: May 19, 2023; Published: June 07, 2023

*Corresponding Author: Octavio Jhonathan Cambero Campos1,2,4*. Unidad Académica de Agricultura, Universidad Autónoma de Nayarit. Carretera Tepic - Compostela, Km. 9, 63780 Xalisco, Nayarit, México. Phone: (311) 135 24 95. E-mail:

Contribution of the authors

B.C.G.S. Development of the methodology; Z.L.A.I. Development of the methodology; E.V.M.O. Experimental validation; L.S.B. Work conceptualization; R.B.A. Experimental validation; I.A.N. Analysis of results; C.A.C.B. Data management; C.C.O.J. Fundraising, project manager. “All authors of this manuscript have read and accepted the published version of it.”

Interest conflict

The authors declare no conflict of interest

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