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Intervención (México DF)

versão impressa ISSN 2007-249X

Intervención (Méx. DF) vol.13 no.26 México Jul./Dez. 2022  Epub 05-Dez-2023 

Editorial note

Editorial note

Yolanda Madrid Alanís

Ana Lizeth Mata Delgado

Paula Rosales-Alanís

The actual issue ofIntervención. Revista Internacional de Conservación, Restauración y Museología (International Journal of Conservation, Restauration and Exhibition Design), which was published on May 30th, 2023, corresponds to the second semester (June-December) of 2022. This note in which we warn about this to the reader holds a reflection about the impact caused by the SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19), not only in the evident public health but the same in the daily life of our research areas in conservation, restoration, and museology as well as in the national and international academic production, were this impact has been remarkable in the lack of submissions of papers in the fields of social sciences and other areas of knowledge.

Although the first wave of the outbreak occurred in 2020, during 2021 and 2022 the production of academic papers, and therefore the stock of publications, decreased considerably-with respect to the former, by more than fifty percent-. In addition, the post-pandemic phase that continues in addition to the “normality” comeback, has determined a huge academic workload that had been waiting at the desk during the confinement. Therefore, we hope our readers will bear in mind that certain aspects of our current collective reality have not only affected the personal lives of researchers, professors, and editors but also substantially influenced the functional lives-work, economic, and academic-of journals.

Subsequently, as an editorial group representing an international academic journal of reference, we wish to leave a testimony of this period as a record of the damage that the pandemic has engendered in the areas of academic and editorial production. Each have confronted similar challenges, and each have sought to redouble their efforts in an attempt to ensure the continued publication, of journals and books with the same academic quality that has endowed them with prestige.

Despite the fact thatIntervenciónhad a sharp decline in the number of papers submissions, with the overall amount we received, fortunately we were still able to move forward and edit the issues of 2022 and 2023. This means that our editorial project persists-one inwich the reader plays a pivotal role. Whitout you, and the dedicated specialists who work in the aforementioned fields os research, this project would cease to exist, and accordingly we would like to extend a whole-hearted thanks to all placing their trust in our journal.

While we anticipate previous delays and reductions of content will soon be in the past, we also hope that the issues of our journal so affected will serve as reminders of an extremely complex period, historic in scope and that our desks will again abound with applications for subsequent editions on Intervencion.

With Gratitude.

Yolanda Madrid Alanís | Deputy Director of Research

Ana Lizeth Mata Delgado | Editor

Paula Rosales-Alanís | Editorial Coordinator

Copy editing by Alejandro Olmedo

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