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Revista mexicana de ciencias agrícolas

versão impressa ISSN 2007-0934

Rev. Mex. Cienc. Agríc vol.7 no.2 Texcoco Fev./Mar. 2016



Brassinosteroids in agriculture. I

Eduardo Hernández Silva1 

Ignacio García-Martínez1  § 

1Grupo Brioproductos y Medioambiente. Tecnológico de Estudios Superiores de Ecatepec. Av. Tecnológico y Hank González, Ecatepec de Morelos, C. P. 55210. Estado de México, México. Tel: 555000-2735. (


Plant hormones, also acquaintances like fitohormonas, they are substances that they play a paper nail in the development in the plants, since they are able to regulate of prevailing way the physiological phenomena of the plants like the growth, and the development in response to the signs of ambient midway like light. The brassinosteroids are natural compounds that they find in small amounts in the organs of the plants, finding oneself in pollen principally, sheets, yolks, flowers and seeds, being characterized like compounds polihidroxifenólicos. The first one belonging to these compounds was isolated of Brassica napus's pollen and the explanation of his structure came true in the year 1979 for North American scientists. As of the present moment 45 members of the family of the brassinosteroids, which is why they constitute an ample family of compounds of powerful biological activity, proving that influence the germination, in the rizogénesis, in flowering, in the senescencia, in the abscission and in the processes of maturation, and the fact that they consider like the sixth group of fitohormonas is for this reason know themselves over. The recent discoveries of the physiological properties of the brassinosteroids allow regarding as natural substances themselves highly promissory and appropriate for his use in the protection of the plants and increase in the agricultural produce. Having in account it once before the objective of this work was exposed you are to deliver to know some of the principal physiological effects of the brassinosteroids and his analogous related with the defensive answer, the morphogenesis and the growth and development of the plants.

Keywords: agriculture; brassinosteroids; the vegetable growth's regulators


Las hormonas vegetales, también conocidas como fitohormonas, son sustancias que juegan un papel clave en el desarrollo en las plantas, ya que son capaces de regular de manera predominante los fenómenos fisiológicos de las plantas, como el crecimiento y el desarrollo en respuesta a las señales del medio ambiente como la luz. Los brasinoesteroides son compuestos naturales que se encuentran en pequeñas cantidades en los órganos de las plantas, encontrándose principalmente en polen, hojas, yemas, flores y semillas, caracterizándose como compuestos polihidroxifenólicos. El primero de estos compuestos fue aislado del polen de Brassica napus y el esclarecimiento de su estructura se realizó en el año 1979 por científicos norteamericanos. En la actualidad se conocen más de 45 miembros de la familia de los brasinoesteroides, por lo que constituyen una amplia familia de compuestos de potente actividad biológica, demostrándose que influyen en la germinación, en la rizogénesis, en la floración, en la senescencia, en la abscisión y en los procesos de maduración, y es por esto que se consideran como el sexto grupo de fitohormonas. Los recientes descubrimientos de las propiedades fisiológicas de los brasinoesteroides permiten considerarlos como sustancias naturales altamente promisorias y apropiadas para su uso en la protección de las plantas y aumento en la producción agrícola. Teniendo en cuenta lo antes expuesto el objetivo de este trabajo es dar a conocer algunos de los principales efectos fisiológicos de los brasinoesteroides y sus análogos relacionados con la respuesta defensiva, la morfogénesis y el crecimiento y desarrollo de las plantas.

Palabras clave: agricultura; brasinoesteroides; reguladores del crecimiento vegetal


The fitohormonas, otherwise called plant hormones either the vegetable growth's regulators, are substances produced by vegetable cells to strategic places of the plant and they are capable from regulating of prevailing way the physiological phenomena of the plants (Srivastava, 2002). The hormones play a paper key in the development in the plants, for as they are intimately implicated in the growth of the plants and in his development in response to the signs of the ambient midway like light, considering that the interaction between the hormones is crucial for the coordination of the development of the plant (Halliday, 2004).

Plant hormones are substances that are synthesized and they perform on very low concentrations, regulating the growth, development or metabolism of the plant. The changes in the concentration of the hormone and the sensibility of the textiles provoke an ample range of effects in the plants, a great deals of whom implicates interactions with the environment like a kind of adaptation, considering that plants are motionless organisms. In order to tell them apart of the plant hormones of natural origin, the compounds that produce physiological effects but that they are of synthetic origin name him the “vegetable growth's regulators” (Adam y Marquardt, 1986).

The plants possess the capability to synthesize one a great variety of steroids, conferring them a hormonal similar show it happens to in animals. Several the steroids are of vegetable origin that they have been identified, but only one of them classrooms, the so-called brassinosteroids have an ample distribution in the plant kingdom, since they have found themselves in all of the organs of a large number of different families' representatives of the marine and terrestrial plant kingdom. Also, they consider like the sixth group of fitohormonas, considering that they do their job with the basic characteristics of plant hormones that are essential for the growth and development of the plants (Seeta et al., 2002; Salgado et al., 2008).

The brassinosteroids are fixed vegetable that they have the capacity to stimulate the growth of the plants. It has been proven that they influence the germination, rizogénesis, flowering, senescencia, abscission and in the processes of maturation. The brassinosteroids also confer resistance to the plants against abiotic and biotic stress, which is why pleiotrópicos are regarded as a new plant hormones classroom with effects to to them. The recent discoveries of the physiological properties of the brassinosteroids allow regarding as natural substances adapted for his use toward the protection of the plants and increase in the agricultural produce themselves (Seeta et al., 2002; Salgado et al., 2008), between another characteristics.

Historic review on plant hormones

The growth of the plants is a complex process, but well organized and coordinated. In 1880, Julius Sachs was suspicious of of existence chemical messengers that coordinate the growth between the different parts of the plants. However, the true impulse to this theory came from the book's publication The Power of Movements in Plants for Charles Darwin, that you incorporated some of the observations done by him along with his son Francis Darwin, on the systematic behavior relating to the bending toward the light (phototropism) of the coleoptiles of canary grass. The book suited someone's purposes like diving board to clear the way for a line of investigation, that led to the identification of the hormones in plants. While metabolism provides the energy and the formation of structures for the life of the plants, the ones that regulate the growth rate of the individual parts are hormones, and they integrate these parts to produce the way that we recognize like a plant. Because of this, you became established than the growth and development of the plants is regulated only by five groups of hormones: auxins, gibberellins, cytokines, abscisic acid and ethylene (Seeta et al., 2002).

The plants possess biosintetizar's capability, join a great variety of steroids, they studied whose show like hormones frequently for the following years. However, you did not get over to 1979 than confirmed him the presence of the hormones steroids in the plants. In that year, the North American scientists published the data of a new so-called steroid brassinolide, that the isolated of Brassica napus L. pollen (Khripach et al., 2000).

In reality, you went from at the beginning of the decade the sixty when some investigators already had the hypothesis that the accelerated germination and the growth of the pollen grains would be able to be correlated with promoters presence of the growth. You reported yourself in 1970 than some abstracts of Brassica napus L´s pollen they produced a powerful effect of elongation (lengthening) in the bean stem. This answer was different to the one that another named hormones produce giberelinas to. The substances that promoted the growth of more active way were isolated of Brassica napus L., and brassinos were called for it. Consequently, you assumed the status of plant hormone to the brassinos because they were organic specific compounds, isolated of plants and that they had induced growth when they were diligent in minute quantities to another plants (Mitchell et al., 1970). As from isolation and this brasinolido's identification, the investigations intensified led to go into the effects that this new compound and related others generate in the plants (Nuñez y Mazorra, 2001), in order to consider to the brassinosteroids like fitohormonas's sixth group.

The brassinosteroids's chemical structure

The present hormones so much various structures they meet between possess the peptides of low molecular weight and the steroids in animals and plants. Although hormones similitudes in his biosynthesis and general shows, his sign's molecular mechanisms of recognition and transduction to the cell's nucleus split steroids of both organisms' groups they are different. The phytohormones steroids are the only plant hormones with a chemical structure of this type in the plants, and it groups until now 59 members (Coll, 2006).

The brassinosteroid´s molecules have four rings and a lateral chain (Figure 1), and they form themselves as from the block compaction of five atoms of carbon, named isoprene. The brassinosteroids with principal the ones that possess 28 carbon atoms with different substituents in two rings are presence in plants, that way as in the lateral chain. They have identified 50 brassinosteroids of vegetable sources chemically over, and the brassinolide is until now the one that produces the bigger biological activity of all, since it can be synthesized directly of the campesterol or through the general synthesis of sterols. The vegetable sterols, in addition to his paper like predecessors of the brassinosteroids, music integrating components of the cell membranes, where they regulate his fluidity and permeability (Bishop y Yokota, 2001).

Figure 1 The natural brassinosteroid´s chemical structure (modified of Bishop y Yokota, 2001). 

The differences in the structure of natural brassinosteroids is due to the presence of an oxygen atom and three additional carbon into two and six of the carbon rings A and B and in the carbon positions 22 and 23 of the side chain (according to the numerical order of the carbons of the steroid analogs brassinosteroids are compounds having a similar structure to natural brassinosteroids and have an activity very similar to brassinolide (Bishop y Yokota, 2001; Zullo y Adam, 2002).

In general, it can be seen that the chemical structure of steroid plant hormones is similar to that of other hormones, such as mammals or insects. Figure 2 is the chemical structure of brassinolide and castasterona, which are steroid plant hormones compared to testosterone and estradiol, which are sex steroid hormones in mammals, and steroid hormone ecdysone, found in various insect classes (Bishop y Koncz, 2002). Unlike other structures, one can observe a certain number of carbons in the brassinolide that has traces of oxygen, which are important to carry out an appropriate activity of this compound as a steroid hormone.

Figure 2 Structures of steroid hormones (modified of Coll, 2006). 

After identification of brassinolide, tens of compounds structurally similar characteristics have been isolated and characterized, as dolicólida and epibrassinolide (Figure 3), which have shown different degrees of elongation stimulating activity and cell division. These compounds, in addition to brassinolide, which is the most active representative, form the family of brassinosteroids which generally are considered by many experts as the sixth class of plant hormones (Salgado et al., 2008).

Figure 3 First natural brassinosteroids characterized. A) brassinolide; B) dolicólida; and C) epibrassinolide (modified of Salgado et al., 2008). 

All natural brassinosteroids even now known are byproducts the 5 colestano's polihidroxilados, and they can present from twenty seven to twenty nine carbon atoms. Functional groups that are supposed to be responsible for the biological activity of these compounds, are concentrated in three main fragments colestánico skeleton; these are the A and B rings (cyclic part) and the side chain (Figure 1). With the maturing conjugates brassinosteroids can hydrolyzed to release free brassinosteroids.

Biosynthesis of brassinosteroids

The biosynthetic pathway can be divided into two major sections: early oxidation and oxidation route later (Figure 4). The first section, covering the formation of sterols, wherein the squalene becomes campesterol, includes a series of 13 biochemical reactions; and in the second section it becomes campesterol brassinolide in 11 additional reactions. In the biosynthetic pathway certain important changes must in order to obtain bioactive molecules, among these changes include the formation of oxo group at position C-6, addition of hydroxyl groups at positions C-22 and C- 23, system diol formation at carbons 2 and 3 of the a ring and the BaeyerVillager oxidation at ring B.

Figure 4 Map of the biosynthesis of brassinosteroids (modified of Bishop y Koncz, 2002). 

The biosynthetic pathway comprising transforming campesterol brassinolide has two branch points leading to four branches within the biochemical pathway of formation, the first branch point is campesterol, which can follow the route early oxidation or late on route oxidation of carbon 22. the second branch point is the campestanol; it can follow the route of early oxidation or route oxidation of carbon late June, whatever the route to be followed, these are reunited with the formation of the castasterona, it requires more of a reaction to result brassinolide. Concerning the intracellular localization of brassinosteroids, it indicated that plastids are organelles important for these compounds. The stroma can be the site of synthesis while the starch granules are assumed to storage sites these potent growth regulators.

The regulation of stomatal opening is a complex process that depends on many factors, including light, ambient concentrations of CO2, temperature, relative humidity, cytosolic calcium concentration, hormones and enzymes marker of metabolic pathways involved, which also exert very important influences and performances (González et al., 2005; Salgado et al., 2008). Some proposals for the biosynthesis of brassinosteroids have already been reported, and possible paths have been established in 2α, 3α-diol. Campesterol is the initial precursor for biosynthesis of brassinolide, due to the similarity of their carbon backbone along with other sterols such as α-sitosterol, and 22-dehydrocolesterol brasicastrol (Wada y Marumo, 1981; Salgado et al., 2008).

Distribution in plants

Many plant steroids have been identified, but only brassinosteroids are widely distributed throughout the plant kingdom, and possess a unique growth-promoting activity (Li y Chori, 1999). Brassinosteroids mainly found in pollen, leaves, buds, flowers and seeds, in proportions and different ways, characterizing polihidroxiesterpoides compounds. Some of the plants and their parts that brassinosteroids are presented are presented in Table 1 (Seeta et al., 2002).

Table 1 Distribution of brassinosteroids in the plant kingdom. Seeta et al. (2002)

Sección de la planta Especie vegetal
Polen Helianthus annuus, Alnus glutinosa, Brassica napus, Robinia pseudo-acacia, Vicia faba, Fagopyrum esculentum, Citrus unshiu, Citrus sinensis, Cupresus arizonica, Pinus thunbergii, Cryptimeria japónica
Semilla Gypsophili perfoliata, Beta vulgaris, Pharbitis purpurea, Brassica campestris, Raphanus sativus, Cassia tora, Lablab purpreus, Orinthopus sativus, Phaseolus vulgaris, Pisum sativum, Vicia faba, Cannabinus sativa, Apium graveolens
Tallo Arabidopsis thaliana, Ornithopus sativus, Pisum sativum, Lycopersicon esculentum
Hoja Castanea crenata, Distylium recemosus, Thea Sinensis
Células cultivadas Catharanthus roseus
Panícula Rheum rhabarum
Región cambial Cryptomeria japonica
Hiel Castanea crenata
Estróbilo Equisetum arvense
Talo Hydrodictyon reticulatum

Brassinosteroids are present in plants at very low concentrations (nanogram levels). Endogenous levels of brassinosteroids vary between plant tissues. Young or growing tissues contain levels higher than mature tissues brassinosteroids. Pollen and seeds are the richest sources with a range of 1- 100 ng/g dry weight, while the shoots and leaves have lower quantities, ie 0.01-0.1 ng/g dry weight (Seeta et al., 2002).

Physiological effects of brassinosteroids

Plants, like other multicellular organisms have developed along its evolution, different mechanisms to recognize and respond to external signals from the environment, which include abiotic and biotic factors and signs of internal environment body, such as the specific case of hormones. Applying brassinosteroids induce a wide range of responses, including an increase in cell leaf expansion, increased stem elongation, pollen tube growth, of leafroll pasture, reorientation of cellulose microfibrils, induces conducting tissue, influencing photomorphogenesis, cell division, either they can stimulate or inhibit rooting, involved in the induction of ethylene biosynthesis in membrane polarization and are substances which positively influence against stress biotic and abiotic (Coll, 2006).

From the isolation and identification of pollen brassinolide Brassica napus research to study the effects that this new compound and related plants generate intensified. As early as 1983, it was reported that treatment of lettuce plants with 22, 23, 24-triepibrasinólida increased crop yield when it was grown in soil fertilized not optimally. Later, in assessing the practical uses of brassinolide is considered an important action of this compound was accelerating resistance to stress, such as low temperatures, fungal infection, herbicide injury and soil salinity (Nuñez and Mazorra, 2001).

The plant response to brassinosteroids include effects on signaling systems for defense against insects and fungi in cell elongation and stem cell division, vascular and reproductive development, the polarization of the membranes and pumping protons, the source/consumption site and modulating stress relationships. Also it reported their influence on gravitropism and delaying abscission of leaves and fruits (Clouse, 1996; Izquierdo, 2011).

Because of the substantial effects of brassinosteroids on growth and development of plants, the economic potential of brassinosteroids in agriculture was recognized in the early eighties. The synthesis of brassinosteroid analogues confirming the structure-activity relationship provides a method for preparing large amounts of active brassinosteroids for use and evaluation greenhouse and field level. Extensive testing of a synthetic brassinosteroid, 24 epibrassinolide in China, Japan and Russia showed that despite being an exogenous compound has the ability to increase performance in a variety of plant species, the results are variable depending on the mode application, growth stage and environmental conditions (Divi and Krishna, 2009; Izquierdo, 2011).


Overall, in recent years it has generated enough information about the route of biosynthesis of brassinosteroids and their mode of perception. Preliminary results from its effect in inducing cell division we are likely to lead to new areas of knowledge. Progress is being made in the knowledge of what components intermediaries to carry the signal from the membrane to the cell, but there are still many questions to be answered. Given the progress that has been made in the study of brassinosteroids and their analogues internationally, it is very likely that in a short space of time clearly defined mechanisms and mode of action in plants.

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Received: December 2015; Accepted: March 2016

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