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versión On-line ISSN 1870-9044

Polibits  no.50 México jul./dic. 2014


A Dynamic Gesture Recognition System based on CIPBR Algorithm


Diego G.S. Santos*, Rodrigo C. Neto, Bruno J.T. Fernandes, and Byron L.D. Bezerra


The authors are with Universidade de Pernambuco, Brazil. *Corresponding author (e-mail:


Manuscript received on July 28, 2014
Accepted for publication on September 22, 2014
Published on November 15, 2014.



Dynamic gesture recognition has been studied actually for it big application in several areas such as virtual reality, games and sign language. But some problems have to be solved in computer applications, such as response time and classification rate, which directly affect the real-time usage. This paper proposes a novel algorithm called Convex Invariant Position Based on Ransac which improved the good results in dynamic gesture recognition problem. The proposed method is combined with a adapted PSO variation to reduce features and a HMM and three DTW variations as classifiers.

Key words: Gesture recognition, computer vision, CIPBR, dynamic time wrapping, hidden Markov model.





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