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Revista mexicana de ciencias geológicas

On-line version ISSN 2007-2902Print version ISSN 1026-8774

Rev. mex. cienc. geol vol.22 n.1 Ciudad de México Apr. 2005



Upper Jurassic ammonites and bivalves from the Cucurpe Formation, Sonora (Mexico)

Ammonites y bivalvos del Jurásico Superior de la Formación Cucurpe, Sonora (México)

Ana Bertha Villaseñor1 

Carlos M. González-León2 

Timothy F. Lawton3 

Martin Aberhan4 

1Departamento de Paleontología, Instituto de Geología, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Ciudad Universitaria, 04510 México, D. F., Mexico.

2Estación Regional del Noroeste, Instituto de Geología, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, 83000 Hermosillo, Sonora, Mexico.

3Department of Geological Sciences, New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, NM 88003, USA. 4

4Museum für Naturkunde, Zentralinstitut der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Institut für Paläontologie, Invalidenstr. 43, D-10115 Berlin, Germany.


Four new molluscan assemblages from north-central Sonora indicate that the Cucurpe Formation ranges in age from late Oxfordian to early Tithonian. These assemblages extend the known paleogeographic range of Late Jurassic Tethyan fossil groups several hundred km to the northwest and improve correlation of Upper Jurassic strata in northern Mexico. At Rancho La Colgada, near the town of Tuape, the upper part of the Cucurpe Formation consists of 515 m of shale, siltstone, basaltic flows and minor sandstone. The oldest fossil assemblage is assigned to the Bifurcatus Zone of the lower upper Oxfordian and contains the ammonites Perisphinctes (Dichotomoceras?) sp., Sequeirosia? sp., and the bivalves Grammatodon (Grammatodon) hersilius (d´Orbigny), Parainoceramus sp., “ Lucina” potosina Aguilera, “Lucina” sp., and Isocyprina? sp. The second assemblage is assigned to the lower Tithonian (lower part of the Albertinum/Darwini Zone) and consists of the ammonites Mazapilites mexicanus (Aguilera), Schaireria neoburgensis (Oppel), Subplanitoides sp., and Glochiceras (Lingulaticeras?) sp. The third fossil assemblage from the uppermost part of the section includes the ammonites Sublithacoceras cf. sphinctum (Schneid), Sublithacoceras sp., and Pachysphinctes sp., and the bivalves “Lucina” potosina Aguilera and Integricardium (Integricardium) sp. This assemblage belongs to the Semiforme-Verruciferum Zone to Richteri Zone of the middle lower Tithonian. A fourth assemblage is assigned to the lower Tithonian, representing the middle to upper part of the Albertinum-Darwini or the lowermost part of the Semiforme-Verruciferum Zone. This assemblage was collected from the upper part of the Cucurpe Formation at a nearby locality and contains the ammonites Torquatisphinctes subbleicheri (Burckhardt), T. cf. lauri (Aguilera) and Torquatisphinctes sp. cf. T. diversecostatus (Burckhardt). The absence of Kimmeridgian fossils in the measured section at Rancho La Colgada and a conglomerate between the Oxfordian and Tithonian assemblages combine to indicate an unconformity in the Upper Jurassic interval that omits the Kimmeridgian. A single Kimmeridgian ammonite was recently collected in the Cucurpe Formation about 40 km northwest of the study area.

The reported molluscan fossils have close affinities with Tethyan faunas known from other parts of Mexico, Cuba and western Europe. These affinities indicate a possible connection of these regions with Sonora through the young Central Atlantic Ocean and possible faunal dispersal from east to west; however, eastward dispersal across the paleo-Pacific realm is also a possibility. Some endemic species, such as Mazapilites mexicanum and “ Lucina” potosina in Sonora permit correlation with other areas of north-central Mexico and indicate a marine connection throughout the region during the Late Jurassic.

Key words: ammonites; bivalves; Biostratigraphy; Upper Jurassic; Sonora; Mexico


Se estudia la fauna de ammonites y bivalvos del Jurásico Superior de la sección Rancho La Colgada que aflora en la región de Tuape, Sonora, y que corresponde a la parte superior de la Formación Cucurpe. El análisis sistemático de los ammonites y bivalvos permitió el reconocimiento de cuatro asociaciones faunísticas. La más antigua se asignó a la Zona Bifurcatus del Oxfordiano superior y está caracterizada por los ammonites Perisphinctes (Dichotomoceras?) sp., Sequeirosia? sp., y los bivalvos Grammatodon (Grammatodon) hersilius (d´Orbigny), Parainoceramus sp., “Lucina” potosina Aguilera, “Lucina” sp., e Isocyprina? sp. La segunda asociación es de edad Tithoniana temprana (parte inferior de la Zona Albertinum/Darwin) y contiene exclusivamente ammonites: Mazapilites mexicanus (Aguilera), Schaireria neoburgensis (Oppel), Subplanitoides sp., y Glochiceras (Lingulaticeras?) sp. La tercera asociación reconocida en la parte más superior de la sección estudiada incluye los ammonites Sublithacoceras cf. sphinctum (Schneid), Sublithacoceras sp. y Pachysphinctes sp., así como los bivalvos “Lucina” potosina Aguilera e Integricardium (Integricardium) sp. A esta asociación se le asigna una edad correspondiente al intervalo de Zona Semiforme-Verruciferum a Zona Richteri, parte media del Tithoniano temprano. La cuarta asociación reconocida, proveniente de una localidad cercana, está constituida por los ammonites Torquatisphinctes subbleicheri (Burckhardt), T. cf. lauri (Aguilera) y Torquatisphinctes sp. cf. T. diversecostatus (Burckhardt), cuya edad es Tithoniano temprano, parte media a alta de la Zona Albertinum-Darwini o parte más inferior de la Zona Semiforme-Verruciferum.

Los moluscos fósiles encontrados tienen gran afinidad con las faunas del Tethys conocidas en otras partes de México, Cuba y Europa Occidental. Estas afinidades indican una posible conexión de esas regiones con Sonora a través del proto-oceáno Atlántico Central y una posible dispersión del este al oeste, sin descartar otras posibilidades. Algunas especies endémicas, como Mazapilites mexicanum y “ Lucina” potosina de Sonora posibilitan las correlaciones con otras áreas del centro-norte de México, e indican una conexión marina en la región durante el Jurásico tardío.

Palabras clave: ammonites; bivalvos; Bioestratigrafía; Jurásico Superior; Sonora; México

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Carlos M. González-León acknowledges support from Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología through Project 27824-T. Tim Lawton acknowledges support from NSF Grant EAR-0229565. Antonio Altamira of the Photography Laboratory of the Institute of Geology at the UNAM helped with the illustrations of the specimens. We appreciate the fruitful contributions to the manuscript made by Biol. Ma. E. Gómez and Dr. F. Olóriz.


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Received: December 08, 2003; Revised: November 08, 2004; Accepted: November 24, 2004

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