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Revista mexicana de física

versión impresa ISSN 0035-001X

Rev. mex. fis. vol.66 no.5 México sep./oct. 2020  Epub 31-Ene-2022 


Material Sciences

Spinelectronic investigation of the quaternary vanadium fluoride Rb2NaVF6: Ab-initio method

M. Berbera  b 

B. Nour Bouzouiraa  c 

H. Abidd 

A. Boudalie 

H. Moujrif 

aCentre Universitaire Nour Bachir El Bayadh, 32000 El Bayadh, Algérie

bLaboratoire d’Instrumentation et Matériaux Avancés, Centre Universitaire Nour Bachir, El-Bayadh, BP 900 route Aflou, 32000, Algérie

cLaboratory of Physical Chemistry of Advanced Materials, University of Djillali Liabes, BP 89, Sidi-Bel-Abbes 22000, Algeria.

dApplied Materials Laboratory, Research Center, Sidi Bel Abbés Djillali Liabes University, 22000, Algeria.

eLaboratory of Physico-Chemical Studies, University of Saida, 20000 Saida, Algeria.

fRenewable Energy Laboratory and dynamic systems, Faculté des Sciences Ain-Chock, Université Hassan II de Casablanca, Morocco.


In this study, we have investigated the structural, electronic, and magnetic properties of the Rb2NaVF6 compound. We have performed our calculations by the use of first-principle methods based on spin-polarized density functional theory, where the electronic exchangecorrelation potential is treated by the generalized gradient approximation GGA- PBEsol coupled with the improved TB-mBJ approach. The calculated structural parameters of Rb2NaVF6 are in good agreement with the available experimental data. Rb2NaVF6 exhibits a halfmetallic ferromagnetic feature with a spin polarization of 100% at the Fermi level and a direct large half-metallic gap of 3.582 eV. The total magnetic moments are 2 µB. This material is half-metallic ferromagnets, and it can be potential candidates for spintronics applications at a higher temperature.

Keywords: DFT; TB-mBJ; electronic structures; half-metallic ferromagnetic

PACS: 71.15.Mb; 71.20.-b; 74.25.Ha

1. Introduction

Spintronics is the investigation of the fundamental spin of the electron and its combined magnetic moment, adding to its essential electronic charge, in solid-state devices [1]. Furthermore, to charge state, electron spins are used as a further degree of freedom, with employment in the performance of data storage and transfer. Spintronic devices are almost frequently synthesized in dilute magnetic semiconductors (DMS), Perovskite, and Heusler alloys and are of exceptional attraction in the field of quantum computing and neuromorphic computing [2]. Spintronics is a field of study in which, researchers are looking for materials to ameliorate the accomplishment of their electronic and magnetic properties and get a large half-ferromagnetic (HM) gap (G HM ). The HM i.e., spin-flip excitation, gap is identified to be the least possible energy with respect to the Fermi level of the majority (minority) spin between the minimal energy of the conduction bands and the absolute value of maximum energy of the valence bands [3,4]. Last decade, several experimental and theoretical research have been developed for this purpose. Recently, multiple works have treated the magnetic properties of the binary semiconductor III-V and II-VI doped by transition elements, Mn-doped InSb [5], Cr doped InSb [6], V doped GaP [7], Co-doped ZnS and (Al, Co) co-doped [8], and Mn-doped ZnO [9]. Shabir et al. studied the double perovskites system Ba2CoUO6 and report half-metallic comportment, with a half-metallic gap G HM = 1.98 eV [10]. A. Rafi et al. studied the perovskite selenide and tellurite compounds CoSeO3, CoTeO3, NiSeO3, and NiTeO3 [11]. The half-Heusler Alloy MgCaB has been investigated by A. Abada [12], with a value of G HM of about 0.305 eV.

This aim of this work is to predict the structural, electronic, and half-metallic ferromagnetic properties of quaternary vanadium fluoride Rb2NaVF6. We have used in our calculation the generalized gradient approximation functional (GGA-PBEsol) [13] and Becke-Johnson exchange potential [14] with Tran-Blaha modified Becke-Johnson (TB-mBJ) potential [15] based on full-potential linearized augmented plane-wave (FP-LAPW) method within first-principle approaches of spin-polarized density functional theory (SPDFT) [16]. This article is redacted as follows: In Sec. 2, we describe the method of the calculation. In Sec. 3, we demonstrate the details of the collected results and discuss the structural, electronic, and magnetic properties of the Rb2NaVF6 compound. Section 4 summarizes the key findings of our current research.

2. Computational method

In this study, we have utilized the FP-LAPW method based on SP-DFT [16] as realized in the WIEN2K software [17,18] to predict the structural, electronic, and magnetic properties of quaternary vanadium fluoride Rb2NaVF6. The structural properties are predicted by applying the GGA-PBEsol [13], while the electronic structures and magnetic properties are calculated with GGA-PBEsol along with TB-mBJ exchange potential. In this study, we have chosen the following calculation parameters: the K max = 9 (RMT)−1 (K max is the plane wave cut-off, and RMT is the smallest of all atomic sphere radii). The Fourier expanded charge density was limited at G max = 12 (Ryd) 1/2 , the l−expansion of the non-spherical potential and charge density was performed up to l max = 10. The cut-off energy is set to -7 Ryd to separate the core from valence states. The muffin-tin radii (MT) for Rb, Na, V and F to be 2.50, 1.98, 1.78 and 1.69 atomic units (a.u.), respectively. The iteration process is repeated until the calculated total energy and charge of the crystal converge to less than 0.0001 Ryd and 0.001e, respectively.

3. Results and discussion

3.1. Stability and structural properties

In 1966, R. Hoppe studied the crystallography of the compound Rb2NaVF6 [19,20]. The quaternary vanadium fluoride Rb2NaVF6 crystallizes in the cubic NaCl (B1) structure with a space group of (Fm3-m) (no. 225). Figure 1 and Table I exhibit the crystal structure and the Rb, Na, V, and F atoms positions of Rb2NaVF6, respectively. We have optimized the Rb2NaVF6, with and without spin-polarized calculations. We have computed the total energies corresponding to the unit cell volumes and fitted to the Birch-Murnaghan’s equation of state (EOS) [21] to verify the phase stability of the compound. And evaluate the structural properties such as the equilibrium lattice constant a, bulk modulus B and the bulk modulus pressure derivative B’, the inspected structural constants of Rb2NaVF6 are recapitulated in Table II, our results are in good agreement with the obtainable theoretical and experimental data. By comparing the two curves, it is obvious that the ferromagnetic curve is below the non-magnetic curve, which indicates that the Rb2NaVF6 structure is stable in ferromagnetic phase. The energy verses volume curves are shown in the Fig. 2.

FIGURE 1 Crystal structure of quaternary vanadium fluoride Rb2NaVF6

TABLE I Rb, Na, V and F atoms positions. 

Atoms Position
Rb Atom 1 0.250 0.250 0.250
Atom 2 0.750 0.750 0.750
Na Atom 1 0.500 0.500 0.500
V Atom 1 0.000 0.000 0.000
F Atom 1 0.230 0.000 0.000
Atom 2 0.770 0.000 0.000
Atom 3 0.000 0.230 0.000
Atom 4 0.000 0.770 0.000
Atom 5 0.000 0.000 0.230
Atom 6 0.000 0.000 0.770

TABLE II Calculated lattice constant (a), bulk modulus (B), pressure derivative B’, minimum equilibrium energy E0, and equilibrium volume V0 of Rb2NaVF6

α(Å) B (GPa) B’ Energy E0 (Ry) Volume V0 (a.u3) character
8.4499, 8.46 [19,20] 69.4580 5.2094 -15335.605695 1017.8553 Ferromagnetic
8.4339, 8.46 [19,20] 70.7549 4.6757 -15335.536252 1012.1034 Non-magnetic

FIGURE 2 Volume optimization curve of quaternary vanadium fluoride Rb2NaVF6

3.2. Electronic, magnetic properties and half-metallic comportment

In this section, we have predicted the electronic band structure, total (TDOS), and partial (PDOD) densities of states for Rb2NaVF6, using GGA-PBEsol [13] accompanying with (TB-mBJ) of Tran-Blaha modified Becke-Johnson approximation [14,22]. Figures 3 and 4 exhibit the band structure of Rb2NaVF6 for spin-up and spin-down, respectively. It is apparent in Fig. 3 that the highest valence band is above the Fermi level, hence the metallic behavior of the structure. For Fig. 4, we mark two gaps, the half-metallic ferromagnetic gap (G HMF ) and the half-metallic gap (G HM ), G HMF is the energy difference between the valence-band maximum (VBM) and conduction-band minimum (C BM ) [4]. Rb2NaVF6 compound has a direct half-metallic ferromagnetic gap at Γ − Γ of 7.837 eV and large half-metallic gap at Γ−Γ high-symmetry point of 3.582 eV. The non-zero values of the half-metallic gap for Rb2NaVF6 demonstrate it to be true half-metallic ferromagnets and making it promising materials for employment in spintronic applications.

FIGURE 3 Spin-up band structure obtained with TB-mBJ for Rb2NaVF6

FIGURE 4 Spin-down band structure obtained with TB-mBJ for Rb2NaVF6

To know the origin of the ferromagnetic and the halfmetallic behavior, we have calculated the densities of states (DOS) around the Fermi level (EF). Fig. 5 shows the total densities of states of Rb2NaVF6, Rb, Na, V, and F atoms. We notice that the total density of states (TDOS) is symmetrical except at Fermi level (0 eV) for spin-up and 3.618 eV for spin-down. The total densities of states are dominated by Rb between the energy from -11.102 and -10.694 eV, and at energy more than 8 eV. While the F dominates at an energy between -6.476 and -4.190 eV. Moreover, V dominates the peaks, which are at the energies 0, 3.618, and 4.380 eV. The half-metallic nature can be seen in the channel spin-down. To comprehend the source of the half-metallic gap and the half-metallic ferromagnetic gap we have plotted the partial densities of states. Figure 6 represent the partial densities of states of Rb2NaVF6, the pike located at the 0 eV (Fermi level) and 3.618 eV are mainly formed by the 3dt2g (V) and 2p (F) states. The TDOS of Rb2NaVF6 depicted asymmetrical states of spin-up and spin-down due to strong pd hybridization between the 2p (O) and 3dt2g (V) states around the Fermi level for the majority-spin direction. This hybridization occurs mainly at the top of the majority-spin valence bands and crosses the Fermi level, leading to the metallic nature for Rb2NaVF6 compounds, with spin polarization of 100% by using the following expression [23]:

p=NEF-NEFNEF+NEF×100%, (1)

FIGURE 5 Spin-polarized total densities of states (TDOS) of Rb2NaVF6. The Fermi level is set to zero. (vertical dotted red line). 

FIGURE 6 Spin-polarized partial densities of states (PDOS) of Rb2NaVF6. The Fermi level is set to zero. (vertical dotted red line) 

where P is the spin polarization, N ↑ (E F ) and N ↓ (E F ) are the densities of states of the majority spin and minority spin around the Fermi level, respectively. Table III display the total and local magnetic moments of Rb2NaVF6. To interpret the implications of the pd interchange phenomenon on the magnetic behavior, we have calculated the total and local magnetic moments of the Rb, Na, V, and F atoms as well as the interstitial sites. The results exhibit the total magnetic moment for the Rb2NaVF6 compound was around 2 µB, usually caused by the V atoms’ the local magnetic moment. 3d (V) majority-spin states, which are partially occupied with three electrons, resulting in a total magnetic moment of 2 µB. Otherwise, the calculated magnetic moment of the V atom is reduced to 1.71792 µB and minor local magnetic moments are induced at Rb, Na, F, and interstitial sites overdue to the pd exchange interaction between 2p (F) and 3dt2g(V) states. Important parameters established on band structures such as pd exchange splitting have also been calculated, xcpd=Ev-Ev and xcpd=Ec-Ec and the sd exchange constants N 0 α (conduction band) and the pd exchange constant N 0 β (valence band).

TABLE III Calculated total and local magnetic moments of the relevant Rb, Na, V, and F atoms and in the interstitial sites (in Bohr magneton µB) for Rb2NaVF6

Compound Total (µB) Rb (µB) Na (µB) V (µB) F (µB) Interstitial (µB)
Rb2NaVF6 2.00001 0.00018 0.00009 1.71792 0.00495 0.25194

Both N 0 α and N 0 β parameters are calculated employing the mean-field theory whose expression is as follows [24,25]:

N0α=Ecxz, (2)

N0β=Evxz, (3)

where Ec=Ec-Ec is the conduction band-edge spinsplitting and Ev=Ev-Ev is the valence band-edge spinsplitting of Rb2NaVF6 at high symmetry point Γ. hsi is the half total magnetic moment per vanadium atom and x is the concentration of V in the structure. Table IV exhibits the calculated pd exchange splitting and exchange parameters. The positive N 0 α constant indicates the ferromagnetic coupling between the 3d states of V and conduction bands. Also, we have calculated an important property of spin-polarized materials, the xvpd and xcpd parameters, which determines the attraction character in the Rb2NaVF6. However, the positivity xvpd of Rb2NaVF6 structure means that the potential of minority spin is effective compared to the majority spin [26,27].

TABLE IV Calculated pd exchange splitting xvpd=Ev-Ev, and xcpd=Ec-Ec and exchange constants N0α and N0β for Rb2NaVF6

Compound xcpd(eV) xvpd(eV) N0α N0β
Rb2NaVF6 3.584 0.013 41.724 0.151

4. Conclusion

We have theoretically calculated the structural, electronic, and magnetic properties of the cubic Rb2NaVF6 system, using the density functional theory and it is concluded that:

  • The lattice constant is in good agreement with the obtainable experimental data.

  • Rb2NaVF6 is metallic for the majority spin states while semiconducting for the minority spin state with a direct large half-metallic gap of 3.582 eV.

  • Rb2NaVF6 exhibits 100% spin polarization at the Fermi level (EF).

  • The Rb2NaVF6 compound can be used in spintronic applications and can operate at a higher temperature due to its half-metallic properties and with a wide bandgap.


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Received: May 11, 2020; Accepted: June 08, 2020

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