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Neumología y cirugía de tórax

versión impresa ISSN 0028-3746

Neumol. cir. torax vol.75 no.2 México abr./jun. 2016


Cartas al Editor



Víctor Hugo Zotes-Valdivia,* 

José M. Mier

The authors thank your valuable comment. While we consider important the need for comparative studies of the medical and surgical treatment, it is clear that hemoptysis is the most common form of presentation of aspergilloma, with an incidence of approximately 80%,1 81.8% in our serie,2 and this is definitely surgical indication in the treatment of cavitated lesions.

It is also worth mentioning that surgery in aspergilloma must be indicated from the time of diagnosis, even in patients without hemoptysis, since studies show conclusively that approximately 30% of patients with minor hemoptysis, might develop hemoptysis to compromise the life.3 In addition, the prognosis varies if a patient is operated on electively and stable, compared to what is involved in the emergency and bleeding episode.

Conservative treatment should be limited to specific situations, such as patients with pulmonary functional reserve decreased, or in selected cases as published by you, in which, we assume that his patient was not a candidate for surgical treatment oncologically.1),(4


1. Vaideeswar P, Prasad S, Deshpande JR, Pandit SP. Invasive pulmonary aspergillosis: a study of 39 cases at autopsy. J Postgrad Med 2004;50(1):21-26. [ Links ]

2. Zotes-Valdivia VH, Martínez-Arias MA, Mier-Odriozola JM, Morales-Gómez J, Joffre-Aliaga A. Tratamiento quirúrgico del aspergiloma pulmonar: experiencia de 10 años en el Instituto Nacional de Enfermedades Respiratorias. Neumol Cir Thorax 2015;74(4):240-246. [ Links ]

3. Garvey J, Crastnopol P, Weisz D, Khan F. The surgical treatment of pulmonary aspergillomas. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 1977;74(4):542-547. [ Links ]

4. Dos Santos VM, da Trindade MC, de Souza DW, de Menezes AI, Oguma PM, Nascimento AL. A 76-year-old man with a right lung adenocarcinoma and invasive aspergillosis. Mycopathologia 2013;176(1-2):113-118. doi: 10.1007/s11046-013-9651-2. [ Links ]

*Correspondence to: Dr. Víctor Hugo Zotes Valdivia, Dr. José M. Mier. Instituto Nacional de Enfermedades Respiratorias Ismael Cosío Villegas, Ciudad de México. E-mail:

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