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Gaceta médica de México

versión On-line ISSN 2696-1288versión impresa ISSN 0016-3813

Gac. Méd. Méx vol.156 no.4 Ciudad de México jul./ago. 2020  Epub 27-Mayo-2021 

Carta al editor

Neurologic manifestations and COVID-19

Manifestaciones neurológicas y COVID-19

Viroj Wiwanitkit*  1 

1D. Y. Patil University, Community Medicine Department, Pune, India

In the article by Jiménez-Ruiz et al., entitled “Neurologic manifestations of COVID-19”,1 it was concluded that “we must bear in mind infectious and non-infectious complications that affect the nervous system such as encephalitis, seizures, Guillain-Barre syndrome, disseminated encephalomyelitis and hemorrhagic leukoencephalitis, which are disorders that can occur during or after viral infections. A neurological symptom could be the first manifestation of COVID-19.”1 In fact, COVID-19 can give rise to numerous atypical presentations, making diagnosis difficult;2 however, concurrent neurological problem represents a significant complication. A patient with COVID-19 might have an underlying neurological disorder, such as epilepsy or cerebrovascular infarction, which could lead to a more complex clinical course. In addition, there is the possibility of another concurrent medical disorder, such as coinfection, which can trigger neurological disorders in patients with COVID-19. A good example is concurrent dengue and COVID-19 infection.3


1. Jiménez-Ruiz A, García-Grimshaw M, Ruiz-Sandoval JL. Manifestaciones neurológicas de COVID-19. Gac Med Mex. 2020;156:257. [ Links ]

2. Tin SS, Wiwanitkit V. Uncommon atypical presentations of COVID-19:Important and should not be under recognized!J Health Med Sci Res. 2020;38:153-158. [ Links ]

3. Magalhaes T, Chalegre KDM, Braga C, Foy BD. The endless challenges of arboviral diseases in Brazil. Trop Med Infect Dis. 2020;5:E75. [ Links ]

Received: June 16, 2020; Accepted: June 18, 2020

* Correspondence: Viroj Wiwanikit E-mail:

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