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Textual: análisis del medio rural latinoamericano

On-line version ISSN 2395-9177Print version ISSN 0185-9439


DIAZ CARDENAS, Salvador et al. Rural harmonic development. A theoretical proposal from the subjects. Textual anál. medio rural latinoam. [online]. 2018, n.72, pp.152-184. ISSN 2395-9177.

Economic globalization and neoliberalism, imposed for more than three decades, have generated situations in the limit: i) widespread poverty and social polarization and, ii) environmental deterioration and increased climate change. As a theoretical part of a broader study, in the search for alternatives to the current sustainable development model, characterized by generating conditions of "non-development" for the majority of the population; the category of harmonic development is proposed. The guiding axis of this work emerges from a position critical to sustainable development, proposing an alternative that incorporates as a main element the human being, as a subject of its own development. The harmonic development is postulated from the dynamic articulation of three axes: social and economic transformations centered on the human being, the preservation of nature and the organizations and instances of mediation; in the search for regulation and the joint balance of these three axes, in social, economic, cultural and political activities, in a participatory and equitable approach. It is an initial proposal, as a conceptual notion to walk, in the perspective of living harmoniously. A way to "weave in chaos and build alternatives".

Keywords : alternative development; development subjects; harmonious living.

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