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Estudios sociales. Revista de alimentación contemporánea y desarrollo regional

versión On-line ISSN 2395-9169


ESCOBEDO-GARRIDO, José Sergio  y  JARAMILLO-VILLANUEVA, José Luis. Consumer preferences for corn tortillas. The case of Puebla, México. Estud. soc. Rev. aliment. contemp. desarro. reg. [online]. 2019, vol.29, n.53, e19627. ISSN 2395-9169.


To assess the visual and gustatory attributes that the consumer considers in his decisions to purchase and consume tortillas.


Allowed the identification of two synthetic indicators, which facilitated the analysis of the information, obtained through personal interviews with a sample of 294 tortilla consumers, in the city of Puebla, consulted about the attributes considered in their purchase, consumption and preferences for tortillas.


The Analysis by Main Components, with Bartlett and KMO test, facilitated the identification of these synthetic indicators to group the attributes of the tortilla, with an explained variance of 70%; one, which is called perception, grouping freshness, color, smell, taste, size, texture; the other as flexibility that expresses the elasticity or strap that the tortilla retains in the reheating, for its later consumption.


One limitation of the study, and perhaps also its strength, is its realization in the city of Puebla, the urban center of the state, where urban consumers are concentrated, pending an exploration towards the smaller cities.


The conclusions confirm the attachment to the consumption of tortillas, the complexity of the preferences of the consumers, indicating freshness (M = 4.56), good taste (M = 4.67), and smell (M = 4.44), as the most important. With a similar importance the capacity of reheating (M = 4.61), and that retains its flexibility (M = 4.56), for a later consumption.

Palabras llave : contemporary food; tortillas; corn; attributes; preferences; consumers; indicators.

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