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Acta ortopédica mexicana

versión impresa ISSN 2306-4102


DIAZ-LOPEZ, JJ; VAZQUEZ-ALONSO, MF  y  TOVAR-BELTRAN, O. Proximal row carpectomy in patient with wrist osteoarthritis. Acta ortop. mex [online]. 2019, vol.33, n.5, pp.273-276.  Epub 13-Ago-2021. ISSN 2306-4102.

The arthrosis of the wrist is a degenerative, traumatic or idiopathic process, which cause problem for patient characterized by pain, loss of mobility, swelling and deformity of the affected wrist. A surgical alternative is proximal row carpectomy, which consists of resection of the lunate, scaphoid and triquetrum, forming a new joint between the radius and the distal row carpus.

Material and methods:

Observational, descriptive, case series. 15 patients were evaluated who underwent proximal row carpectomy during the period January 2007-August 2009, with clinical follow-up until august 2010 through mayo and DASH scores, measuring strength. Range of motion and pain. 80% of patients were between 35 and 64 years. The predominant sex was male in 67%. The result was satisfactory in 73%, according to the scale of Mayo. The DASH scale in the postoperative period also improves.


The proximal carpectomy is a surgical alternative, it preserves some joint mobility, reduced pain and improved disability of the limb.

Palabras llave : Proximal carpectomy; arthrosis; treatment.

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